1 “Behold, the fire is more worthy of honour than all things formed because even that which is not subjected is subjected unto it, and things easily perishable are mocked by its flames. But even more worthy of honour is the water, because it conquereth the fire and satisfieth the earth. But even it I do not call God, because it is subjected to the earth under which the water inclineth. But I call the earth much more worthy of honour, because it overpowereth the nature (and the fulness) of the water. Even it (viz. the earth), however, I do not call god, [because] it, too, is dried up by the sun, [and] is apportioned to man to be tilled. [I call the sun more worthy of honour than the earth,] because it with its rays illumineth the whole world and the different atmospheres. [But] even it I do not call god, because at night and by clouds its course is obscured. Nor, again, do I call the moon or the stars god, because they also in their season obscure [their] light at night. [But] hear [this], Terah my father; for I will make known to thee the God who hath made everything, not these we consider as gods. Who then is He ? or what is He ?”
2 Who hath crimsoned the heavens, and made the sun golden, And the moon lustrous, and with it the stars;
3 And hath made the earth dry in the midst of many waters,
4 And set thee in . . .and tested me in the confusion of my thoughts
5 “Yet may God reveal Himself to us through Himself!”