1 And I began to speak the third Parable concerning the righteous and elect.
2 Blessed are ye, ye righteous and elect, for glorious shall be your lot.
3 And the righteous shall be in the light of the sun. And the elect in the light of eternal life: The days of their life shall be unending, and the days of the holy without number.
4 And they shall seek the light and find righteousness with the Lord of Spirits: There shall be peace to the righteous in the name of the Eternal Lord.
5 And after this it shall be said to the holy in heaven That they should seek out the secrets of righteousness, the heritage of faith: For it has become bright as the sun upon earth, and the darkness is past.
6 And there shall be a light that never endeth, and to a limit (lit. number) of days they shall not come, for the darkness shall first have been destroyed, [And the light established before the Lord of Spirits] And the light of uprightness established for ever before the Lord of Spirits.