Soul and body
1 And God said to him, “Hear, Ezra, my beloved one. I, being immortal, received a cross, I tasted vinegar and gall, I was set down in a grave.
2 And I raised up my elect ones and I summoned up Adam from Hades so that the race of men
3 [...]. Therefore, fear not death. For that which is from mes that is the soul, departs for heaven. That which is from the earth, that is the body, departs for the earth from which it was taken.”
4 And the prophet said, “Woe, woe! What shall I do? How shall I act? I know not.”
Concluding prayerb
5 And then the blessed Ezra began to say, “O eternal God, Creator of the whole creation, who measured out the heaven with a span and contained the earth in his hand,
6 who drives the cherubim, who took the prophet Elijah to the heavens in a fiery chariot,
7 who gives nurture to all flesh, whom all things fear and tremble from the face of your power,
8 hear me who pleads greatly
9 and give to all who copy this book and preserve it and recall my name and preserve my memory fully, give them blessing from heaven.
10 And bless all of his things, just as the ends of Joseph.
11 And remember not his previous sins on the day of his judgment.
12 Those who do not believe this book will be burned like Sodom and Gomorrah.”
13And a voice carne to him saying, “Ezra. my beloved, I shall grant to each one the things which you asked.”
Death and burial of Ezra
14 And at once he gave over his precious soul with much honor on the eighteenth of the month of October.
15 And they buried him with incense and psalms. His precious and holy body provides unceasingly strengthening of souls and bodies for those who approach him willingly.
16 Glory, might, honor, and worship to him for whom it is fitting, for the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.