1 (7) O God, the Almighty, the True one and Incomparable one,
who is everywhere, and is present in all things;
and who is in nothing as though being one certain thing;
the one who is not circumscribed in places;
2 the one who is not growing old in time;
the one who does not come to an end in the ages;
3 the one who is not deceived by words;
the one who is not subject to origin;
the one who does not need a guardian;
4 the one who is above corruption;
the one who does not admit change;
the one who by nature is unchangeable;
5 the one who dwells in unapproachable light;
the one who is by nature invisible;
6 the one who is known by all those who with good will seek you with rational natures;
7 the one who is understood by those who with good will seek after you;
8 the God of Israel, the one truly seeing,
Your people who have believed in Christ:
9 (8) being gracious, attend to me on account of your name,
and bless those who have bended low their necks before you,
and give to them the requests of their hearts—the things that are profitable—
10 and do not make one of them a castaway from your Kingdom,
but consecrate them, guard, shelter, assist, deliver them from the stranger, from every’ enemy;
11 preserve their homes,
guard their goings in and goings out!
12 (9) Because to you (belong) glory, praise, splendor, reverence, (and) worship;
13 and to your Servant Jesus, to your Christ, to our Lord, both God and King:
and to the Holy Spirit;
now, and always, and into the ages of the ages. Amen.