1 (2) We give thanks to you, O Lord Almighty,
Maker and Superintendent of the universe,
through your only Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord,’
for the firstfruit offerings to you,
not such as we ought (to give),
but such as we are able (to give).
2 (3) For who among men is able to give thanks to you worthily,
on behalf of the things you have given to them for partaking in?
3 O God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,
and of all the holy ones,
the One who brought all things to perfection through your word,
and commanded the earth to produce all manner of fruits for our gladdening and
4 who gave forage for the duller and sheepish (creatures):
foliage for those eating grass,
and to some, indeed, raw meat,
while to sorne, seeds;
5 yet to us, grain, the useful and appropriate food,
and various Other things—
some indeed, for (our) use,
while others for (our) health,
Still others for (our) enjoyment.
6 (4) For all these things, therefore, you are praised (in hymns),
for your good deeds to all bthrough Christ,
with whom to you be glory, honor, and awe;
and to the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.