Translated by D. A. Fiensy.
1 (2) Let the one who is to be insüucted in pietyb be taught before baptism: knowledge concerning the unbegotten God, understanding concerning the only begotten son,
2 and full assurance concerning the Holy Spirit. Let him leam the order of a distinguished creation, the sequence of providence, the judgment seats of different legislation, why the world came to be and why man was appointed a world
3 (3) citizen. Let him understand his own nature, of what sort it is. Let him be educated in how God punished the wicked by water and fire, and glorified the saints in
4 each generation: I mean Seth, Enos, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and his descendants, Melchisedek, Job, Moses, both Joshua and Caleb, Phinehas the priest, and the
5 holy ones in each generation. And how God, though he foresaw, did not abandon the race of men, but summoned them at various times from error and folly into the understanding of truth, leading them from servitude and impiety into freedom and piety, from iniquity into righteousness, from eternal death into everlasting
6 (4) life. Let the one who offers himself learn during his instruction these things and those that are related to them.