1 And when Asenath saw Joseph she was sore pricked in the soul and her heart was crushed,
2 and her knees were loosed and her whole body trembled and she feared with great fear, and then she groaned and said in her heart: “Alas me miserable ! where now shall I, the wretched one, go away ? or where shall I be hidden from his face ? or how shall Joseph the son of God see me, for that on my part I have spoken evil things about him ? Alas me miserable !
3 whither shall I go away and be hidden, because he himself seeth every hiding-place, and knoweth all things, and no hidden thing escapeth him by reason of the great light that is in him ?
4 And now may the God of Joseph be gracious to me because in ignorance I have spoken wicked words against him.
5 What now shall I, the wretched one, follow? Have I not said: ‘Joseph cometh, the son of the shepherd from the land of Canaan’ ? Now therefore he hath come to us in his chariot as the sun from heaven, and he entered our house to-day, and he shineth into it like light upon the earth.
6 But I am foolish and bold, because I scorned him and spake evil words about him and did not know that Joseph is a son of God.
7 For who among men will ever beget such beauty, or what womb of woman will give birth to such light ? Wretched am I and foolish, because I have spoken evil words to my father.
8 Now, therefore, let my father give me to Joseph for an handmaid and a bondwoman rather, and I will be in bondage to him for ever.”