“Latin Infancy Gospel (ms. lat. 11867)”
Translated from Spanish «Los Evangelios Apócrifos», Aurelio de Santos Otero (1956)
Santos de Otero writes:
“This is Latin manuscript 11867 from the National Library of Paris (St. Germain collection), belonging to the 13th century. The passages that offer the greatest originality have been extracted by Bonaccorsi in his edition of the apocryphal gospels I (1948) p.226-233, from where we take them. They had already been previously cited by R. Reinsch (Die Pseudo-Evangelien von Jesu und Maria’s Kindheit in der roman. und. german. Literatur, Halle 1879).”
“This writing seems nothing more than a medieval compilation of apocryphal legends in the style of the Vita rythmica of the Virgin and Christ (ed. by Vögtlin: Bibl. d. Litt. Vereins in Stuttgart n.180 [1888]) and of the Latin stories edited according to a Giessen manuscript by O. Schade under the title Narrationes de vita et conversatione BMV et de pueritia Salvatoris (Halis Saxonum 1876). The Legenda aurea by Jacob de Voragine and the Speculum historiale by Vincent de Beauvais are of the same style.”