1 So when the angel had made this statement to our father Jacob, he ascended from him into heaven, as Jacob bade him farewell.
2 Those who were around Jacob heard him as he thanked God and glorified him with praise.
3 And all the members of his household, great and small, gathered around him, weeping over him, deeply grieving and saying, “You are going away and leaving us as orphans.”
4 And they kept on saying to him, “O our beloved father, what shall we do, for we are in a strange land?”
5 So Jacob said to them, “Do not fear; God himself appeared to me in Upper Mesopotamia and said to me, ‘I am the God of your fathers; do not fear, for I am with you forever and with your descendants who will come after you.
6 This land in which you are I am about to give to you and to your descendants after you forever.
7 And do not be afraid to go down to Egypt.
8 I will make for you a great people and your descendants will increase and multiply forever.
9 Joseph will put his hand on your eyes and your people will multiply in the land of Egypt.
10 Afterward they will come to this place and will be without care.
11 I will do good to them for your sake, though for the time being they will be displaced from here.’”