God reveals all mysteries and secrets to Metatron
1 R. Ishmael said: Metatron, the angel, the Prince of the Presence, said to me: Henceforth the Holy One, blessed be He, revealed to me all the mysteries of Tora and all the secrets of wisdom and all the depths of the Perfect Law;and all living beings' thoughts of heart and all the secrets of the universe and all the secrets of Creation were revealed unto me even as they are revealed unto the Maker of Creation.
2 And I watched intently to behold the secrets of the depth and the wonderful mystery. [ABL: Before a man did think in secret, I saw (it) and before a man made a thing I beheld it.] [C: Before a man did think, I knew what was in his thought.]
3 [ABL: And there was no thing on high nor in the depth of the world hidden from me.] [C: And there was no thing above on high nor below in the deep hidden from me.]