Addition occurring in B and L
1 [B: R. Ishmael said: Said to me Metatron, the Prince of the Presence and the prince over all the princes — and he stands before ] [L: Metatron, he is prince over all the princes — and he stands before ] Him who is greater than all the Elohim. And he goes in under the Throne of Glory. And he has a great tabernacle of light on high. And he brings forth the fire of deafness and puts (it) into the ears of the Holy Chayyoth, that they may not hear the voice of the Word (Dibbur) that goes forth from the mouth of the Divine Majesty.
2 And when Moses ascended on high, he fasted fasts, till the habitations of the chashmal were opened to him z ; and he [B: saw the heart within the heart of the Lion] [L: saw, that it was white as the heart of the Lion ] and he saw the innumerable companies of the hosts round about him. And they desired to burn him. But Moses prayed for mercy, first for Israel and after that for himself: and He who sitteth on the Merkaba opened the windows that are above the heads of the Kerubim. And a host of advocates — and the Prince of the Presence, Metatron, with them — went forth to meet Moses. And they took the prayers of Israel and put them as a crown on the head of the Holy One, blessed be He.
3 And they said: “Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord” [B: and their face shone and rejoiced over Shekina ] [L: and the face of Shekina shone and rejoiced ] and they said to Metatron: “What are these? And to whom do they give all this honour and glory?” And they answered: “To the Glorious Lord of Israel”. And they spake: [B: “Hear, O Israel: the Lord, our God, is one Lord. To whom shall be given abundance of honour and majesty but to Thee YHWH, the Divine Majesty, the King, living and eternal”. ] [L: “YHWH the Living and Eternal”. ]
4 In that moment spake Akatriel Yah Yehod Sebaoth and said to Metatron, the Prince of the Presence: “Let no prayer that he prayeth before me return (to him) void. Hear thou his prayer and fulfil his desire whether (it be) great or small”.
5 Forthwith Metatron, the Prince of the Presence, said to Moses: “Son of Amram! Fear not, for now God delights in thee. And ask thouthy desire of the Glory and Majesty. For thy face shines from one end of the world to the other”. But Moses answered him: “(I fear) lest I bring guiltiness upon myself”. Metatron said to him: “Receive the letters of the oath, in (by) which there is no breaking the covenant” (which precludes any breach of the covenant),