Chayyliel, the prince of the Chayyoth
1 R. Ishmael said: Metatron, the angel, the Prince of the Presence, said to me: Above these there is one great and mighty prince. His name is Chayyliel H' a noble and revered prince, a glorious andmighty prince, a great and revered prince, a prince before whom all the children of heaven do tremble, a prince who is able to swallow up the whole earth in one moment (at a mouthful).
2 And why is he called Chayyliel H'? Because he is appointed over the Holy Chayyoth and smites the Chayyoth with lashes of fire: and glorifies them, when they give praise and glory and rejoicing and he causes them to make haste to say “Holy” and “Blessed be the Glory of H' from his place!” (i.e. the Qedushsha).