Metatron shows R. Ishmael the letters engraved on the Throne of Glory by which letters everything in heaven and earth has been created
1 R. Ishmael said: Metatron, the Angel, the Prince of the Presence, said to me: Come and behold the letters by which the heaven and the earth were created,
the letters by which were created the mountains and hills,
the letters by which were created the seas and rivers,
the letters by which were created the trees and herbs,
the letters by which were created the planets and the constellations,
the letters by which were createdthe globe of the moon and the globe of the sun, Orion, the Pleiades and all the different luminaries of Raqia.
2 the letters by which were created the Throne of Glory and the Wheels of the Merkaba, the letters by which were created the necessities of the worlds,
3 the letters by which were created wisdom, understanding, knowledge, prudence, meekness and righteousness by which the whole world is sustained.
4 And I walked by his side and he took me by his hand and raised me upon his wings and showed methose letters, all of them, that are graven with a flaming style on the Throne of Glory: and sparks go forth from them and cover all the chambers of Araboth.