1 And if the year begins in Leo: There will be spring rains, then the soil will be deprived of the north winds.
2 And grain will be enjoyed, for: indeed the food of men will be good.
3 And wheat and rice and dried peas will be expensive, and wheat must be irrigated.
4 And oil and dates will be expensive.
5 And there will be disease among men.
6 And pregnant (females) and small cattle will die.
7 And the kings will strive with a king.
8 And the large locust(s) will come and will not subside; but somewhat [gradually] they will swirl in circles and shrink (back) together.
9 And the river Nile will overflow its highest rate.
10 And people will have headache(s).
11 Then at the end of the year there will be much rain.