© 1990 Ann Bendall, Kathleen Swadling, Christopher Billington, Simon Barber, Irwin Fisher, Madeline Noordzy
© 1990 ANZURA, Australia & New Zealand Urantia Association
2 Salisbury Crt, Glen Waverley, Victoria, AUSTRALIA, 3150.
Late registrations are being accepted for our Australian Meeting of URANTIA Book Readers, to be held on Melbourne Cup weekend, Saturday November 3 — Tuesday November 6.
For more information and details see the March/April newsletter. If you have lost or would like another copy of the registration form, write to Six-O-Six or phone Madeline on (03) 5616089.
If you are still wondering whether to register, I urge you to talk to someone who has attended a recent conference. You are welcome to phone me on (03) 5794499.
I won’t repeat information that was in my Conference reports in the May/June and July/August newsletters. I received a long-distance call from a registrant who said he was looking forward to joining us, and the venue sounded exciting. I share his views — the venue is exciting and I look forward to your company in November.
The programme and timetable for the conference will be mailed out in the third week of October.
Martin McBurney
Conference Organiser
Six-0-Six is a bi-monthly publication dedicated to promote international goodwill and understanding: between readers of The URANTIA Book
“…in all ordinary circumstances, it would be far better to placate the wrath of unbelievers that you might live and continue to preach the glad tidings.” (UB 181:2.15)
Dear Six-O-Six,
In response to the article, in the July/August issue of Six-O-Six, I would like to pose the following questions.
1. Michael advises us that if we wish to be led by his Spirit of Truth, we will be guided into all knowledge of him, God and all truth. It will take a long time, as we apparently do not succeed in de-materializing our image of God until we get to Uversa, but why is it that the prophets of the twentieth century still see God as those of the pre-Jesus era?
Why must they hold a view of God contrary to that which Jesus held? Why do they insist on seeing God as wrathful, vengeful, running out of patience, taking back His power to judge which zillions of years ago, He handed over to the Universal courts, decreeing, at the same time, that judgment was never to be executed by one individual?
Why must they see God as breaking the Universal law which He holds inviolate, and demands adherence to by every individual — respect for the free will of every universe personality?
Why cannot the ‘prophets’ see God as Jesus did. As our loving Father, who, at times chastens us for our own good, but always as a loving Father?
2. What is there in us that gets our adrenaline flowing at the thought of Urantia being blown up? What’s wrong with this planet? I am decidedly biased where Urantia is concerned; I consider it the most beautiful planet in the universe, at this point in time; this opinion being totally biased by the fact that it is the only one I know.
I will categorically state — Urantia is not going to be blown up, it is going to progress nicely onto light and life, and Jesus’ statement of FACT will become reality, as the gospel that he preached WILL RULE THIS VERY WORLD.
3. Urantia may have been “quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment” (2082:7) at the time of the revelatory commission compiling the papers, but now this planet is right over the edge and firmly involved with social readjustment, moral quickening and spiritual enlightenment. Of this FACT I have not the slightest doubt. Finally, after a long, long time, people are opening their heart so that Michael’s Spirit of Truth can pour in. Those who are the prophets of a nuclear holocaust are living twenty years ago, and are gaining their information on this world second or third hand. To them, with respect, I would suggest that they get out on the streets and mix with the common folk, and they will witness, first hand, the miracle of Jesus in action.
Our civilization is producing folks of the calibre of Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa. That is no mean feat for a planet with our past history. Those who are exemplary of Jesus’ sojourn on Urantia effectively negating all deleterious aftereffects of the Caligastia rebellion and the Adamic default.
It is a shame that, whilst a goodly amount of time, effort and money is being spent by social psychologists trying to discover what qualities are needed to be a Mother Theresa, those of our civilization who espouse total dedication to their own spiritual progress are not pursuing the same intellectual endeavour.
I have not listened to the E-3 tapes, but can only assume that the prophesy is in the nature of a promise to all those who are not ready for the mansion worlds, that God is giving them a further opportunity to grow by creating a half way house, whilst those who have chosen survival will be blown off this planet straight to the mansion world assembly halls; or left here on a decimated planet to help those victims still alive, where they will have a wondrous opportunity to experience chronic sensory and material deprivation, which will provide nonduplicable ground, anywhere in the universe, for invaluable catalysts for growth. Just imagine the pleasure in arriving on the mansion worlds if we had experienced a period on a planet which had a nuclear holocaust!!
In deliberating such fancies of the mind, I ask you to remember that this planet is the property of Michael. We have total say where our survival is concerned; as stewards of material assets, we may be called to account as to our dealings with that entrusted to us, but their are too many overviewers reading our fickle little minds to permit us to irretrievably destroy that which is not ours by proprietary right — the planet on which we live.
I pray for the day when there are millions, maybe billions of URANTIA Book fundamentalists walking this planet, all living examples of the one COMMANDMENT Jesus gave us — “Love one another as I have loved you”.
Ann Bendall
Nambour Queensland
Editor’s Note:
Dear Ann,
My very reason for writing the article was because I was trying to point out that making assumptions is a risky business. You’ve jumped to the wrong conclusions and because of that arrived at the wrong prophet and the wrong scenario. Optimism is fine as long as it does not turn into self-deception and callousness.
Dear Six-O-Six,
I did so enjoy your response to the Elijah claims. Although I must admit that my first impression was one of scepticism, I do agree with you that one should keep an open mind on the subject. Only time will prove whether his claims are true or false — so in the meantime let’s keep an open mind and wait and see what comes of it all.
Nancy Dempster
Dear Six-O-Six,
A URANTIA Book Fundamentalist?
I would like to make some comments on the article written in the July/August issue of 6-0-6 by Madeline Noordzy in relation to Elijah the Third. First up I’d like to say that I have not heard the tapes but the material enclosed on them in 6-0-6 was enough to make me have no intention of listening to them. This then immediately dumps me into the category of those people Madeline mentioned in her article when she said: “It has been interesting to observe that other readers in Australia had pre-conceived ideas about the tapes as soon as they knew what the subject was and chose to condemn them as ”utter rubbish“ before even listening to them.” And then: “So often I have in the past witnessed the frustration of URANTIA Book readers with the attitude of fundamentalists of certain Christian denominations, who, because the Bible says that nothing is to be added, close their minds to the light of new truths. I certainly don’t want to turn into a URANTIA Book fundamentalist.”
So I take it that because I choose not to listen to these tapes I am close-minded to truths outside of The URANTIA Book, possibly making me no better than a fundamentalist Christian in my narrow attitude to my source of truth.
Kathleen Swadling
I have been re-reading the rather few remarks about ‘mota’.
“Mota is more than a superior philosophy; it is to philosophy as two eyes are to one; it has a stereoscopic effect on meanings and values. Material man sees the universe, as it were, with but one eye — flat. Mansion world students achieve cosmic perspective — depth — by superimposing the perceptions of the morontia life upon the perceptions of the physical life.” (UB 48:6.28)
I was later able to relate this to my interest in language and humour, and my unease about the poverty of the descriptions of humour in The URANTIA Book. I have always known that one of the prime sources of humour lies in the structure, the formalism, of language. Because of the symbolism a statement can have a variety of meanings. The context may show which is intended, and the hearer normally is unaware of any other meaning because of being tuned in to that context. However, the more lateral thinker (or language freak, like me) can often see more than the intended meaning. The surprise of the sudden realisation of another twist is one of the manifestations of humour, and for me a significant one. If the speaker has also seen it, then this may be a deliberate joke; if the speaker hasn’t seen it then the hearer is well advised to let it pass, but maybe still enjoy the humour of it internally.
Christopher Billington
WTree via Buchan, Vic.
My Beloved, so many different paths open before you. Some of those whom you love travel on one path, some on another. You, when you have attained the true consciousness of the Christ, greet these wayfarers and know that they likewise walk the steep trail even though it be a different one than that over which your feet carry you. You know that all these trials will lead at last to Holy Peace.
You shall not be confused, neither shall you add to confusion for them, for paths, though seemingly divergent, shall meet at last at the Father dwelling and you shall all join together in the heavenly anthem of praise and adoration.
Therefore, why concern yourself over whether others seem not to go your way? It is of little importance in My sight. All that matters is that they feel a consciousness of My love and Holy Presence that I may guide their feet through the pitfalls that lie on every journey regardless of the way. I care for my own and gently lead them into paths of righteousness.
In the unqualified there is differential,
In the actual there is potential.
In the unity there is trinity,
In the finite there is infinity.
In the relationship there is tension
In the depths there is ascension.
In the static there is decision,
And in the difference there is division.
But division is relative in disaster,
We’re all serving, still, the same Master.
Simon Barber, Melbourne
From: Life Beyond Death, June 1990
Startling photographs shot by a Soviet space probe may be of heaven, a top German scientist reports.
“The pictures are remarkable in their similarity to what people have seen during near-death experiences,” Dr. Kurt Bauer, the astrophysicist, told reporters in Magdeburg, Germany.
"When the series begins we see darkness gradually giving way to a rainbow-colored tunnel of light. The probe enters this tunnel.
"As it emerges we are met with an unearthly green and yellow landscape. In the distance we can see people filing through the gates of a great walled city that literally glitters under an intense golden light.
"The probe beamed hundreds of these pictures back to Earth before a mechanical problem or some outside force caused the cameras to malfunction.
“And I don’t think it’s going too far to say that the photos we did get are potentially more important than anything we have gotten from our exploration of space to date.”
Tight-lipped Russian officials would neither confirm nor deny Dr. Bauer’s report. They did confirm that the expert had worked closcly with Soviet space scientists since 1979 and acknowledged that “he would have access to photographs if they do exist.”
The expert himself said the Soviets consider the photos top secret and have no intentions of releasing them in the foresecable future.
“As atheists the Soviets are sensitive to any notion of an afterlife and they want all the answers before they make any kind of announcement,” said Dr. Bauer.
“They certainly weren’t looking for heaven with this probe. It was designed to photograph planets.” In fact, the probe had already passed Pluto and was headed for deep space when the stunning pictures were taken," said Dr. Bauer.
“Attempts to re-establish communications with it have failed but will continue for several months,” he said.
Marc Degois, the French parapsychologist, called Dr. Bauer’s report “staggering in its implications.”
“Men can hallucinate but cameras don’t lie,” he continued. "The truly amazing thing about all this is how closely the Soviet photos mirror the visual experiences of people who have died momentarily and been brought back to life.
“Scientists and doctors have long wondered whether those experiences were simply figments of the imagination.”
“The Soviet photos, if genuine, prove conclusively that they are real.”
“It’s ironic that Soviet atheists would be the first to confirm the existence of an afterlife.”
Irwin Fisher
Report on Workshop of NOOSA '89
This workshop was held in conjunction with an Australia-wide meeting of URANTIA Book readers at Noosa, Queensland during October 1989 which was attended by 31 devotees, coming from Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, and including one visitor from the United States. The subject of the workshop was a quotation from UB 155:1.4 of The URANTIA Book, made by Jesus as follows:
“Let me state emphatically this eternal truth: If you, by truth co-ordination, learn to exemplify in your lives this beautiful wholeness of righteousness, your fellow men will then seek after you that they may gain what you have so acquired. The measure of your truth endowment, your righteousness. The extent to which you have to go with your message to the people is, in a way, the measure of your failure to live the whole or righteous life, the truth co-ordinated life.” UB 155:1.5
The Sunshine Coast Study Group
Tewantin, Queensland
Take half a cup of friendship and one cup of thoughtfulness and cream together with a pinch of powdered tenderness.
Beat very lightly in a bowl of loyalty, with one cup of faith, one of hope and one of love.
Be sure to add a teaspoonful each of gaiety and ability to laugh at little things.
Moisten with the sudden tears of heartfelt sympathy, then bake in a good natured pie and serve.
I listened to all five Elijah Ministry tapes, the “Message from God” and the four in the GRACELAND series. Do I believe them? Yes. Do I believe in the truth of The URANTIA Book? Yes. Do the two clash or contradict eachother? In my opinion, no. At worst, it is one man’s fascinating and well researched hypothesis, worth listening to in its own right. At best, it is a further relevation about some extra hiccups our planet may have to go through. The Graceland adventure is supposed to only last thirty years or so, then we return to a rejuvenated Earth. So its no big deal, really. The future history of Urantia may well show Graceland to be a little aside on our inevitable march towards light and life.
A small group in Melbourne has recently set up a “branch” of the Ministry which will shortly make tapes and other material available locally. The address is
PO Box 281, Ashburton, Vic. 3147.
“He [Jesus] was ever willing to learn from even the humblest of little children.” (UB 126:2.3)
Tony Rudd
From: COSMIC REFLECTIONS, Summer/Fall 1990
Evidence found by a geologist named Warren Huff indicates that “ 1000 cubic kilometres of material spewed out during at least one and probably two eruptions …” according to an article in the June 18,1990 issue of Insight magazine. This eruption is believed to be from: “… a massive volcano they believe once was located, in the process of continental drift, where the Great Smoky Mountains in the southeastern United States are today. The eruptions are believed to have occurred more than 400 million years ago and may deserve the title of most powerful eruptions ever.”
We are informed by The URANTIA Book that about 330 million years ago there occurred
“… the eruption of the great North American volcano of eastern Kentucky, one of the greatest single volcanic activities the world has ever known. The ashes of this volcano covered five hundred square miles to a depth of from fifteen to twenty feet.” (UB 59:2.5)
Since the publication of my article ‘From E.T. to E-3’ in the last 6-0-6, two months have elapsed and we all have had time to cool down from either indignation or excitement, depending on whether you are a believer or a disbeliever.
From some of the feedback I have received via telephone conversations and letters, it appears that some people have regarded my case of ‘keeping an open mind on the matter’ more or less as blackmail, some felt it was inappropriate for the editor to write in the manner the article was written, some didn’t want to know about it and some felt it had nothing to do with The URANTIA Book.
Other people who initially did not want to listen to the GRACELAND Tapes, changed their mind as a result of the article and can now see why I felt it was important enough to include in the newsletter.
Madeline Noordzy
The Fifth Epochal Fellowship has launched a new magazine ‘The Study Group Herald’. Martin Greenhut has been appointed the managing editor and is inviting people from all over the world to send in their contributions such as stories, cartoons, articles etc.
This new magazine will feature news of the Urantia movement, the actions of readers, articles on how to hold effective study groups, topical study aids, a section devoted to the interests of young people, articles shedding light on the revelation itself, outreach ideas, classified ads, a community bulletin board, calendar of events and study group and Area Coordinator listings.
If you feel you have something to contribute write to: Martin Greenhut, 181 State Rd., Great Barrington, MA 01230, USA.
Just recently, while I was having dinner with a group of my friends and some of their family, I had the opportunity to talk about The URANTIA Book with the host who has been reading the book for the past six months. One of the young persons present mistakenly overheard us talking about “The Answer Book” as she thought we called it and asked what it was about.
After I had spent a couple of hours telling the group about “The Answer Book” I had time to reflect on this new name. How appropriate, I thought, if ever there was a book with the answer to just about everything, The URANTIA Book certainly fits this description. I guess it will always be my “Answer Book”.
David Regal
Palm Beach, Queensland
For information on Study Groups you can contact the following people:
Solution to last crossword
The Family of Jesus
2. Second daughter
4. Youngest
5. Died young
7. Father
8. Second born
1. Mother
2. First daughter
3. Troublesome lad
6. Fourth son
7. Fourth born
8. The Holy One
Audrey Morris, Tewantin, Queensland