© 2019 Alain Cyr
© 2019 International Urantia Association (IUA)
I volunteered to assist in the Urantia Book booth at the last year’s Parliament of the World’s Religions which was held in Toronto on November 1-7, 2018. There were around 72 Urantia Book readers present at the event and many of us who volunteered were kept busy appreciating the multitude of smiling faces on the people who passed by, many of whom stopped at the booth to fraternize and investigate our book. The event was held in the huge Metro Toronto Convention Center, and we enjoyed the contact of so many open-minded thirsty souls. People are really thirsty for world peace!
This message was particularly felt within the global call for unity that was highlighted within presentations and plenaries. What hit me most was this Interfaith phenomenon that is growing globally; there is an increasing willingness to collaborate. People of all faiths are gathering all around the planet to foster joint venture projects on behalf of social progress. This is quite encouraging! Surely the Most Highs must take delight in such happenings… as they rule in the kingdom of men (and women of course).
Nathen Jansen, a fellow Urantia Book reader from Canada, has also shared his experiences at the Parliament event as a participant and a Urantia booth volunteer. Here are some of his comments:
“As a participant at the Parliament of World’s Religions 2018, I reflected on a mind simulation of what it might feel like to be at a future Urantia conference where 7,500 personalities were in attendance with the theme The Promise of Inclusion, the Power of Love. The single most compelling experience I had was observing the unity that was shared in the midst of religious diversity, there being over two hundred of the world’s great religions represented at the conference. At the Urantia booth the volunteers endlessly took turns sharing their understanding of true religion with people passing by, and during the many discussions we shared together in the ideal of truth, beauty and goodness. I believe that most people had good thoughts about what was said of the teachings in The Urantia Book. I had a few people say that they have heard of the book and picked up some printed information or bought one.”
“During the event there was a full vegetarian lunchtime meal called ‘Langar’ served almost daily to all 7,500 people registered for the conference. This meal, along with dessert squares and Masala Chai Tea, was provided by the Sikh community of Toronto, Canada. (Langar—a free meal served to all visitors without distinction of religion, caste, gender, economic status or ethnicity.) This offering was served with much joy by the Sikh adherents with a personal bright yellow headdress being applied for everyone. ‘I am a stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me, I am a friend to all’ says Guru Granth Sahib.
“The Parliament’s Program Schedule for this event was beyond a doubt the pursuit of understanding, reconciliation and global transformation. The next Parliament of World’s Religions will be in three years, in a city and country yet to be announced, and I encourage the Urantia community at large to attend the event for a lifetime experience of this dynamically service-motivated worldwide interfaith movement.
“And so, it went for seven days under one roof getting to know each other’s belief of God our Universal Father, about building a harmonious foundation for a more peaceful and friendlier worldwide interfaith community with his mortal sons and daughters, Agondonters.”
As in previous events such as this prestigious one, the Urantia Foundation was faithfully supportive in co-sponsoring the costs inherent to our lovely Urantia Book booth. And as Canadians, we were honored by the presence of all who contributed by their presence.