© 2023 Alain Tremblay
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Alain Tremblay
On Thursday, April 6, during the Remembrance Supper, I had the pleasure of meeting in person for the first time my brothers and sisters of our “Discovery” study group. For several years, I have had the privilege of exchanging with them each week on readings and reflections during meetings on the revelations of the Urantia Book. These friendly and fraternal exchanges have always been a great source of motivation for me, an invaluable support in my spiritual journey. I learn a lot there and my faith can only be greatly inspired by discerning in each member of the group, the constancy and the great sincerity of their approach. Of course, the technology allowing us to meet with Zoom was and still remains a privileged and very effective means of communication. It allows us to be present to each other despite the space that separates us. However, my meeting in person with the members of the fraternity brought out much stronger emotions in me. The initial embarrassment having dissipated, I was joyful and very happy to have the privilege of being there, present with them to experience a moment of intense interiority, a serious, real and profound communion of spirit. Gathered around a succulent meal, we prayed, we paused a few times and we gathered to reflect on the imperishable meaning of the last supper that Jesus took with his apostles, on Thursday, April 6, in the year 30. I cannot here pass over in silence the conscientious and careful preparation of the facilitator of our meeting, from which I quote here some extracts that marked our evening:
“How lucky and privileged I am to know you and to be part of a community of believers, of people who know God, people who live with faith and who are happy to come together for an occasion as beautiful, as stimulating as that of participating in the memorial supper, together with the memory of Jesus and the end of his life.”
“During our meal, let us recognize the ‘bread of life’ the word of the Father revealed by the Son.”
“Let us remember the whole life and teachings of Jesus, imitate his faith, produce the fruits of the Spirit, love one another as he loved us!”
And finally, from The Urantia Book: “The spiritual forward urge is the most powerful driving force present in this world; the truth-learning believer is the one progressive and aggressive soul on earth.” Paper UB 194:3.4
In short, inspiring quotes which through our discussions raised the level of our exchanges and our communion. Personally, it did me a lot of good. I felt grown, confirmed in my faith by realizing my belonging to a dynamic, living fraternity, which I would even dare to describe as… eternal. I returned home with the clear impression of having experienced a very beautiful and meaningful singular event. This developing spiritual connection will be for me and our fraternity “like a bridge thrown over space and time”! A moment which will mark the continuity of a lineage which will continue to grow and last for a long time.
Thank you with all my heart to our generous hosts who welcomed us into their residence and who have been exemplary in their involvement in the Urantia movement for many years. Thank you to each and every one of you in the “Discovery” study group who bring me so much and with whom I have the chance to share my Monday evenings. Thank you, my God, for your benevolent presence, for that of your divine Son who fills us with so many graces and privileges in our lives.