© 2023 André Desjardins
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
André Desjardins
Although the Adjuster ascends with his human associate from the 7th circle, his evolution manifests itself in three times described as his Three Great Days in his individual career. The Adjuster’s career through the psychic circles comprises three distinct phases of his evolution in the mind of the human personality defined by “three great days” without regard to the concept of time-space as established on our planet. “The great days in the individual careers of Adjusters are: first, when the human subject breaks through into the third psychic circle, thus insuring the Monitor’s self-activity and increased range of function (provided the indweller was not already self-acting); then, when the human partner attains the first psychic circle, and they are thereby enabled to intercommunicate, at least to some degree; and last, when they are finally and eternally fused.” [UB 110:6.22]
The Thought Adjuster knows no time, his inner manifestation is sudden and spontaneous but always depends on the human willingness to submit to the will of God by moral decision. For the Adjuster the use of the term “great day” has a particular definition according to a common dictionary: “The great day, the day on which an important event is to take place.” The three great days in the individual career of the Thought Adjuster are considered as important events in his association with his human subject and are as follows:
The phases of personality evolution in the Psychic Circles are related to human status, mental attainments, morontia soul growth, spiritual development, and attunement to the Adjuster. The traversal of the Psychic Circles of the Thought Adjuster is different from personality progression; it consists of joining one’s human associate in the 7th Circle and progressing in accord with him to the other six higher circles with the goal of eternally merging into the evolutionary career with a human personality of will.
The Thought Adjuster links with the human personality at the seventh psychic circle, and “as soon as his human subject breaks into the third psychic circle,” the bestowal of a personal seraphic guardian is imparted, insuring the Thought Adjuster independent activity and an increased range of function. The third psychic circle is regarded as the first great day in the Adjuster’s career, and the personality is assigned a personal seraphic guardian. His second great day is “when their human partner attains the first psychic circle,” regarded as the greatest possible rapprochement between the material mind and the spiritual Adjuster. The first psychic circle is the last of the circles of attainment to be attained by the personality prior to fusion with its indwelling Adjuster. His third great day is “when they are finally and eternally fused,” indicating that the personality has made the irreversible choice of consecration to do the will of the Heavenly Father. “Fusion with the Adjuster signalizes the fact that the ascending mortal has eternally and unreservedly chosen to do the Father’s will.” [UB 111:3.1]
Fusion is entirely dependent on the personality and its sovereign will. The indwelling Adjuster is entirely subject to the choices, free will, and decisions of the personality to bring this human-divine association into fruition by the decree of the Paradise Father concerning the absolute sovereignty of human free will. By this decree, the personality is free to pursue the eternal adventure with its indwelling Adjuster or not by voluntarily choosing to do the will of the Paradise Father. The Thought Adjuster cannot take any personal initiative regarding fusion without the consent of the personality. “Upon fusion with the ascending evolutionary soul, it appears that the Adjuster translates from the absolute existential level of the universe to the finite experiential level of functional association with an ascending personality. While retaining all of the character of the existential divine nature, a fused Adjuster becomes indissolubly linked with the ascending career of a surviving mortal.” [UB 107:2.7]
The final fusion of the Thought Adjuster is with the morontia soul of human origin fixing the survival of the personality and not with its mortal mind or human body. “The Adjuster reaches his first stage of evolution by fusion with the surviving soul of a human personality. The final product of this union of divinity and humanity will eternally be the son of man and the son of God.” [109:1.5-1196.2] In the case of personality refusal through lack of interest in following the path of perfection; the Thought Adjuster gains valuable personal experience in the indwelling of a human mind. “Every meaningful value in every will creature is certain of survival, irrespective of the survival or nonsurvival of the meaning-discovering or evaluating personality. And so it is, a mortal creature may reject survival; still the life experience is not wasted; the eternal Adjuster carries the worth-while features of such an apparent life of failure.” [UB 109:6.1]
The first great day of the Adjuster occurs when “his human subject breaks into the third psychic circle, securing for him independent activity and an increased range of function.” This first great day heralds the arrival of a personal seraphic guardian assigned to the personality. The assignment of a personal seraphic guardian concerns the personal evolution of the personality in its phases of cosmic attainment and in its spiritual development. This third circle gives the indwelling Adjuster the prerogative of working more freely in the mind of his human subject. “The Adjuster’s work is much more effective after the human ascender attains the third circle and receives a personal seraphic guardian of destiny. While there is no apparent concert of effort between the Adjuster and the seraphic guardian, nonetheless there is to be observed an unmistakable improvement in all phases of cosmic achievement and spiritual development subsequent to the assignment of the personal seraphic attendant.” [UB 110:6.14]
The first great day of the Adjuster is the period of his courting us for eternal union and is entirely dependent upon the desire and will of his human associate for the purpose of blending his destiny with him. This first great day may be regarded as a period of courtship between the human mind and the divine mind of God, a period of intimate relationship prior to betrothal with his human subject. The first great day of the Adjuster is the period of adjustment with his human associate; the period of man seeking to know the will of God and the Adjuster seeking to experience the human nature of his associate.
The second great day of the Adjuster is “when his human partner attains the first psychic circle.” The attainment of the first circle of his human partner with his indwelling Adjuster makes possible their reciprocal communication between his material mind and the Highest Source of Divinity on Paradise. This experience of intimate association between two mind sources of completely opposite origin heralds the attainment of the second great day of the Thought Adjuster. The attainment of the first circle for the personality represents the greatest possible rapprochement between his nature of human origin and the nature of divine origin of the Thought Adjuster before his fusion: “the achievement of the first psychic circle is the nearest possible approach of material mind and spirit Adjuster in human experience.” [UB 110:6.15]
The second great Adjuster day may be regarded as a betrothal between the nature and will of the human personality and the divine nature and will of the Adjuster; a promise of solemn covenant between the human nature and the divine nature of God. “Has a subject who has made the supreme decision, has entered into a solemn and sincere betrothal with the Adjuster. The Adjuster looks beforehand to the time of actual fusion and reckons the union as an event of fact.” [UB 109:2.4] The betrothal is a period of coming together and of learning to synchronize two diametrically opposed types of will between the divine nature of the Adjuster and the human nature of the personality for the purpose of creating permanent plans for their eternal alliance. The rejection of this betrothal depends entirely on the will of the personality and not on the will of the indwelling Adjuster. “At any time before fusion with the Adjuster the evolving and ascending creature can choose to forsake the will of the Paradise Father.” UB 111:3.1
The third great day of the Adjuster is “when they are finally and eternally fused.” This third great day is the culmination of his union with a personality; he has attained homogeneity with his human subject by acquiring personal expression through fusion, becoming part and parcel of a human personality. The divinity of the Adjuster has been fused with the human soul; nothing can now separate this human-divine association of the human will with the will of God the Adjuster; this fusion constitutes a marriage for eternity. It is at this time that the exchange of covenant vows and eternal allegiance is pronounced; the Adjuster proclaims, “I will be true to the personality committed to me,” [UB 110:7.10] and his human associate affirms, “It is my will, thy will be done.” [UB 111:5.6] This eternal union can never be dissolved in the eternal search for the Paradise Father; henceforth this eternal union represents for the human personality “the final fusion with the indwelling Adjuster and the resultant unity—the synthesis of man and the essence of God in one personality” [UB 101:6.6]
The determining points in the culmination of the three great days of the Thought Adjuster in collaboration with his human subject are these:
First big day: When their human subject bursts into the third psychic circle mark:
Second Big Day: When their human partner reaches the first psychic circle:
Third great day: The eternal fusion of the Adjuster with the immortal soul of his human subject according to the prerogative of free will through the gift of personality bestowed by the Heavenly Father indicates:
After fusion with the soul of the human personality, the Adjuster has reached the first stage of evolution and continues with his human associate to higher levels in the search for the Eternal God.
The Psychic Circles are the link with the mental life of the personality in its aspects of consciousness and/or unconsciousness. For the personality, mastery of the circles serves to progress in the morontia worlds guided by its indwelling Adjuster for the growth of its morontia soul. As presented by a Solitary Messenger of Orvonton: “The mastery of the cosmic circles is related to the quantitative growth of the morontia soul, the comprehension of supreme meanings. But the qualitative status of this immortal soul is wholly dependent on the grasp of living faith upon the Paradise-potential fact-value that mortal man is a son of the eternal God. Therefore does a seventh circler go on to the mansion worlds to attain further quantitative realization of cosmic growth just as does a second or even a first circler.” [UB 110:6.18]
After attaining the status of “true potential citizen of the local universe” through the first four circles; it is in the 3rd circle that the personality truly becomes aware of its indwelling Adjuster and has the conviction that a seraphic guardian is personally assigned to it indicating the attainment of this 5th stage of its personal morontia evolution. “Starting out in the seventh circle, mortals strive for the first, and all who have attained the third immediately have personal guardians of destiny assigned to them.” [UB 49:6.8] For the personality, it only remains for it to continue its individual progression to cross the other circles through its mental accomplishments and in its spiritual development for the benefit of its soul. The growth of the morontia soul evolves from its existence to the extent that the personality uses the power of its will and persistence in its decisions to seek divine perfection through experience.
The 2nd psychic circle concerns soul growth and it is through this circle that the soul of the human personality makes its morontia progression through the efforts of the indwelling Adjuster “to make the mind of man morontia during the remainder of his mortal life.” The indwelling activity of the Adjuster is autonomous and the associated human personality cannot oppose its ability to spiritualize its material mind into a morontia mind during its human life but is always dependent on its will and desire to do the will of God.
The first circle is the last psychic level to be attained by the human personality and indicates attunement with his indwelling Adjuster; an intimate reciprocal communion, the greatest possible rapprochement between his human mind of material origin and his Adjuster of divine origin in his personal experience.
1st Bodily death is not necessary to reach the morontia worlds considering that “morontia life actually begins on the inhabited worlds at the conception of the soul” UB 148:6.2 This reference indicates that the human personality possesses morontia substance from the formation of its soul right here on our home planet. The joint creation of the morontia soul by the human will united with the divine will of the Thought Adjuster announces the beginning of morontia life during its planetary life.
2nd The choices and experiences of survival value acquired in mental significance and spiritual worth during the earth life always represent an elevation of the morontia soul for a personality and an actual experience in the morontia worlds. All experience of survival value is spiritualized by the Thought Adjuster and is held in memory under the care of the guardian seraph. It is perfectly possible for a personality to develop his divine abilities experientially during his earth life without waiting for physical death for soul growth by evolving in the morontia life through the psychic circles. Spiritual development actually begins on our planet, and the experience of perfection represents the real supreme value of our morontia soul evolution. “Everything in your mental life which was worth while, and which had survival value, was counterparted by the Adjuster and is retained as a part of personal memory all the way through the ascendant career. You will be conscious of all your worth-while experiences as you advance from one mansion world to another and from one section of the universe to another—even to Paradise.” UB 47:4.5
3rd In crossing the second psychic circle through the personality, the Adjuster “endeavours to make the mind of man morontia during the remainder of his mortal life.” The efforts of the indwelling Adjuster and his active participation in the growth of the morontia soul indicate the ability to attain the morontia worlds during the planetary life of a human personality. No obstacles can prevent, oppose, or retard the morontia progression of a personality during his planetary life except those which he imposes upon himself. “The potential of such a morontia evolution is inherent in the two universal urges of mind: the impulse of the finite mind of the creature to know God and attain the divinity of the Creator, and the impulse of the infinite mind of the Creator to know man and attain the experience of the creature.” [UB 111:2.8] The efforts of the indwelling Adjuster are ever dependent upon the associated personality’s own efforts in seeking to do the will of the heavenly Father in the supreme experience of perfection.
This indwelling fragment of the Father adjusts the human mind by spiritualization to progressively divine attitudes; the Adjuster is really the spirit of God in us. The Paradise Father has lovingly distributed his fragments of himself to us freely through the Thought Adjusters; this is the most precious gift that the human personality can receive in order to establish a unique and exclusive personal relationship with Him. The Heavenly Father has reserved this form of personal contact with each of his creatures as his exclusive Creator prerogative, but without the mind services of the adjutant mind-spirits and the psychic circles it would be impossible to attain the level of sonship with God the Adjuster, for they are highway circuits advising us by telling us, “This is the road to follow” to perfection. “Every mortal who has seen a Creator Son has seen the Universal Father, and every one who is indwelt by a divine Adjuster is indwelt by the Paradise Father.” Every mortal who consciously or unconsciously follows the leadings of his indwelling Adjuster is living in accordance with the will of God. Consciousness of the Adjuster’s presence is consciousness of the presence of God.” [UB 107:0.4]
The Urantia Book has all the keys to access the morontia and spirit worlds. With the assistance of their indwelling Adjuster, serious students of the mansion worlds have all the tools to traverse these worlds.