What a wondrous relief to know that we are living in a loving universe of order. And for myself to discover that I have been running around like an idiot looking for those things which are, in reality, ever present with me.
To name but a few:
A master — I need seek no master. For eternity, I have a Master, someone to lead me and that someone is Michael the way, the truth, and the light. In Michael we have a beautiful loving Creator Son who knows exactly the planet on which we live and what it feels like to live as a mortal and as we stumble our way up to Paradise, we know he is either “dragging” us or “pushing” us at times — forever our master and leader.
A guru — all I need to know is, my guru is my Thought Adjuster who, hopefully, one day will be my Thought Controller. I need not rumlage through books or chase after human beings. All I need is to prayerfully ask and, assuming the time is right, and my ability to comprehend is uncluttered by false illusions of myself, the world and other people, the answer will be given. And, I will hear the answer as it is said.
Relation to other people. I need no longer try to work out who you are and why we met. Why shouldn’t we meet? We are all brothers and sisters. For what purpose do brothers and sisters have to have contact with each other?
What I have to do in life — It is really very simple, all I have to do is God’s will and that means His Will in His Time.
Why an I not like everyone else? The answer is simple. I am an individual and conversely everyone else is not like me (when I am on a self-importance trip) — they are individuals.
Why I don’t understand myself — because I am a potential, and I will never understand me for I will never comprehend my potential. And, we are advised in the Blue Book that the only persons who fully understand themselves are the Universal Father, the Eternal Son and the Conjoint Actor.
That I’m not going to have knowledge handed to me without experience, because I will forget it at the moment of essential recall requirement. Knowledge will be embraced into my being through personal experience and so it will become me.
That growing emotionally does not mean foregoing the simplicity of pleasure of a child, it just deepens the enjoyment.
That I don’t have to “save” anyone or be responsible for anyone’s quality of life — that’s between themselves and God, all I have to do is love them as our Father would like me to love them.
That I am not “luckier” or more blessed, just more aware of how blessed I am than some of my brothers and sisters.
That it is alright to have questions and the answers will be given at the soonest possible opportunity, which might be when I am a finaliter. The delay in answering is purely due to inability to comprehend on my part at this point in time.
That I am not perfect, nor is perfection expected of me. In reality I am the most imperfect creature in the universe (or more correctly species of creatures).
On the pathway to perfection it is expected that I will fail at times. At times it will look like failure, but it will purely and simply be a delay. At other times it will be failure; and as I call it failure so again will come the next opportunity to, in this instance, succeed, with-me having had the wondrous experience of ignorance, followed by knowledge through experience of where I went astray, to ensure perfect success the next time. We live in a loving universe, a universe of understanding and patience.
And I could go on and on for 2097 pages, but today I haven’t got time and so I share with you some of the truths which this day I thank our Father for, and for which I love Him heaps and heaps.
Ann Bendall, Nambour, QLD
This coin is one of a series of 50 minted between 1879 and 1915 by E.W. Cole. They were designed as advertising tokens — to be used for a 3d. discount in any purchase from “Coles Book Arcade” in Bourke Street, Melbourne.