© 2017 Chris Wood
© 2017 International Urantia Association (IUA)
President’s Message – December 2017 | Tidings — December 2017 — Index | International Conference 2018 Update |
Urantia Association International is a bottom-up organization. The Local and National Associations do the work which shapes the future of the Urantia community and the integration of the Urantia teachings into the cultures of the world.
The role of the International Association is to help coordinate individuals and local groups to achieve global goals. With that in mind, the International Service Board has adopted five goals for 2021 as guideposts to help keep us all pulling in the same direction.
For the last three years the Association has united around the theme “Jesus as a Teacher.” The upcoming Amsterdam conference will see the culmination of this theme as well as the shift to our next three-year theme, “Living the Teachings.”
How do we incorporate worship/study/living the teachings into everyday life? How do we talk about Urantia teachings with your spouse/children/relatives, etc. without boring or alienating them? How do we introduce Urantia Book concepts/teachings while in service to others? How do we talk about Urantia Book concepts in different cultures across the globe (secular, Muslim, communist, European, Asian, Christian?) How do we serve others without introducing The Urantia Book?
For the last few years Latin America and Europe have been developing continental communities that have united leadership, events, and goals. This growing awareness of Continental Communities will continue to grow and spread to North America and Africa. As these continental leaders take over the work in their area, the International Service Board will be able to shift its focus to areas of the world where the introduction of the Urantia teachings is just beginning.
Fostering study groups is the foundation of Urantia Association’s work. We have seen over the last three years an amazing growth of online study groups. At the same time, the demand for assistance in starting a new in-person study group has never been higher. By 2021, the Association will produce an updated Study Group Guide to help people start new study groups from scratch. In addition, we will actively work toward tripling the number of known online Study Groups by 2021.
Right now there is a growing number of wonderful online study groups, education webinars, and leadership training classes offered in multiple languages across the globe. In 2018 we will create a “Join Now” calendar that will unite those seeking online connections with what is happening immediately. In addition, by 2021 we will offer regular teacher and leadership training webinars as a routine part of our online activities.
Online exchange groups are a wonderful and immediate way to connect with your fellow Urantia Book students from across the world. Web-based technologies will provide methods for live speeches to be broadcast to conferences across the oceans and allow for active questions and answers.
Technology can be a wonderful alternative to staying home for a conference, but it cannot compete against visiting Urantia events in other countries and witnessing how these teachings are being lived in different cultures. Already many National Associations are sponsoring their members to travel to continental and international conferences. By 2021 there will be an organized effort to make these cultural exchanges part of every multi-national event.
These are our goals for the next three years. Will you and your local group join us in these goals? What goals should be set for 2025? Join our online discussions and send your feedback to help shape the future of Urantia Association International.
President’s Message – December 2017 | Tidings — December 2017 — Index | International Conference 2018 Update |