© 2023 Claude Flibotte
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Claude Flibotte
The origin of this text comes from an email exchange between several readers of The Urantia Book. We were wondering whether the Adjuster was an absolute entity before the fusion and whether he remained so after the event. In order to get a better idea of this question, it is interesting to consider the Adjuster before his fusion with his human subject, then after the fusion.
Let’s see together what a Thought Adjuster is. In quote UB 107:1.2 it says: “Adjusters are pure and unadulterated divinity, unqualified and undiluted parts of Deity.”
Since the Adjuster is of pure divinity, we should ask ourselves what the word divinity represents. At quote UB 0:1.16, it says: “Divinity is the characteristic, unifying, and coordinating quality of Deity.” Further, it says at UB 0:12.3 that “The infinity of divinity is constantly enriched, if not amplified, by the finite and absonite character of creature and Creator experience.” And again, at UB 0:1.17, “Divinity is intelligible to creatures as truth, beauty, and goodness. It is expressed in personality as love, mercy, and ministry. It is revealed on impersonal levels as justice, power, and sovereignty.” This is what we are called to merge with! His function is to make us like him, divine, as he himself is divine. Isn’t that fantastic!
Now that we have a good idea of what an Adjuster is in nature and function before fusion, let’s see what happens at the time of fusion. The quote UB 107:2.7 helps us with this: “… it appears that the [prepersonal] Adjuster passes from the absolute existential level of the universe to the finite experiential level of functional association with an ascending personality. While retaining all the character of the divine existential nature [a state of pure unqualified divinity], a fused Adjuster becomes indissolubly linked [in function] with the ascending career of an ascending mortal.”
From this quote, we see that at the moment of fusion the Adjuster passes from his original absolute existential level, since he is a fragment of the Universal Father who is existential, absolute, infinite and eternal, to the subabsolute experiential level constrained to the space and time (finite) of his human subject. In this process of transformation, the Adjuster does not lose in any way the character of his divine existential nature, that is to say that everything that was proper to his divine nature described above is preserved in the process of fusion with the identity of his human subject. The following quote is perhaps more explicit to understand the ins and outs of this fusion.
The actual source of the Adjuster must be infinite, and before fusion with the immortal soul of an evolving mortal, the reality of the Adjuster must border on absoluteness. Adjusters are not absolutes in the universal sense, in the Deity sense, but they are probably true absolutes within the potentialities of their fragmented nature. They are qualified as to universality but not as to nature; in extensiveness they are limited, but in intensiveness of meaning, value, and fact they are absolute. For this reason we sometimes denominate the divine gifts as the qualified absolute fragments of the Father. (UB 107:4.2)
Why in this quote is it written that the Adjuster must “brush against absoluteness”? The reason is very simple! Deity has as its first personality the person of the Universal Father, and this person of the Father is universal and absolute for all of his past, present and future creation. Since an Adjuster is a fragment of the divinity of this absolute Deity, the fragment cannot be the totality of this Deity, which is why expressing that the Adjuster only brushes against absoluteness in the universal sense is correct. However, since he is of the same nature as the Father, that is to say of a divine nature, in potential, he is a true absolute and it is this divinity that he brings to his human subject whose potentiality of divinity will have all eternity to reveal itself.
In order to see the results of this merger, we can reread quotes UB 110:7.4 and UB 110:7.5 for this purpose.
Subsequent to mortal fusion the Adjusters share your destiny and experience; they are you. After the fusion of the immortal morontia soul and the associated Adjuster, all of the experience and all of the values of the one eventually become the possession of the other, so that the two are actually one entity. In a certain sense, this new being is of the eternal past as well as for the eternal future. All that was once human in the surviving soul and all that is experientially divine in the Adjuster now become the actual possession of the new and ever-ascending universe personality. But on each universe level the Adjuster can endow the new creature only with those attributes which are meaningful and of value on that level. An absolute oneness with the divine Monitor, a complete exhaustion of the endowment of an Adjuster, can only be achieved in eternity subsequent to the final attainment of the Universal Father, the Father of spirits, ever the source of these divine gifts. (UB 110:7.4)
When the evolving soul and the divine Adjuster are finally and eternally fused, each gains all of the experiencible qualities of the other. This co-ordinate personality possesses all of the experiential memory of survival once held by the ancestral mortal mind and then resident in the morontia soul, and in addition thereto this potential finaliter embraces all the experiential memory of the Adjuster throughout the mortal indwellings of all time. But it will require an eternity of the future for an Adjuster ever completely to endow the personality partnership with the meanings and values which the divine Monitor carries forward from the eternity of the past. (UB 110:7.5)
In the definition of the absolute level related in UB 0:1.13, it is written that the absolute level of unifying expression of the three Paradise Deities is not experientially fully unified.
The absolute level is beginningless, endless, timeless, and spaceless. For example: On Paradise, time and space are nonexistent; the time-space status of Paradise is absolute. This level is Trinity attained, existentially, by the Paradise Deities, but this third level of unifying Deity expression is not fully unified experientially. Whenever, wherever, and however the absolute level of Deity functions, Paradise-absolute values and meanings are manifest. (UB 0:1.13)
This is one of the reasons for the existence of the Adjusters and their fusion with the evolutionary creatures. To finalize the unifying expression of the Deities on the experiential levels with the agreement and cooperation of the creatures, their children. Thus, both the derived Deities that are the Supreme Being, God the Ultimate and God the Absolute (UB 0:12.3) and the creatures are winners by this process!