© 2023 Claude Flibotte
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Claude Flibotte
The revelators teach us that our soul is the product of the relationship of the human mind joined to the ceaseless work of divinization of the Thought Adjuster. This is good, but somewhat insufficient to fully understand the process set in motion to arrive at this new, potentially eternal cosmic reality!
In order to fully understand what our soul is made of, we must look deeply into the causes of its emergence. Let us begin this investigation with the highest cause of its reality, the Thought Adjuster!
We are told that the Adjuster is an absolute essence of an infinite being (UB 107:0.6), he is the essence of original Deity (UB 107:1.1). He is a fragmentation entity constituting the factual presence of the infinite God. He is pure and unadulterated divinity, an unqualified and undiluted part of Deity (UB 107:1.2). He is a fragmentation of the prepersonal Deity of the Universal Father (UB 107:1.7).
Before fusion with the immortal soul of an evolutionary mortal, the reality of the Adjuster must border on absoluteness. Adjusters are not absolute in the universal, Deity sense, but they are probably true absolutes within the limits of the potential of their fragmented natures. They are qualified as to their universality, but not as to their nature. They are limited in extent, but in intensity of meaning, value, and fact, they are absolute. They are divine gifts which we sometimes call, for these reasons, the qualified absolute fragments of the Father (UB 107:4.2).
The fusion of mortal man with his Adjuster means that he fuses with a fragment of the existential Cause of the total cosmos, and no limits can be assigned to the destiny of this unimaginable association between God and man (UB 107:4.7).
Since the Adjuster can plan, work, and love, he is endowed with an individuality compatible with a mind (UB 107:5.2), but a type of mind similar to the mental qualities of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son, that is, ancestral to all species of mind originating in the Conjoint Actor (UB 107:5.3).
In fact, the Adjuster is said to be pure spirit and probably absolute, but he is even more than that, there are factors of pure energy in him. Indeed, since God is the source of pure energy and pure spirit, his fragments are of the same nature (UB 107:6.4).
In its essence, the material mind of man is a functional unit normally seeking coordination of spirit on all levels of its association with a self endowed with free will and the prerogative of ascension UB 111:2.1.
The personality of man is associated with the identity endowed with a material mental circuit and the inner spirit maintained in functional relationship by the life of the material body (UB 111:2.3).
The definition that the revelators give us of the human mind is summed up in the following quote:
Mind. The thinking, perceiving, and feeling mechanism of the human organism. The total conscious and unconscious experience. The intelligence associated with the emotional life reaching upward through worship and wisdom to the spirit level. (UB 0:5.8)
If we trace back to the source of the human material finite mind, we find that this mind circuit is a gift from the Divine Minister of our universe. It is the Nebadonian variant of the cosmic mind diffused throughout the superuniverse of Orvonton by the seventh Master Spirit, one of the seven primary creations of Infinite Spirit Deity, the God of Absolute Mind (UB 9:8.2).
So much for the second cause of the creation of a soul!
The revelators teach us that the soul is the result of three essential factors (UB 111:2.4). The first being the human mind comprising all the cosmic influences of spirit; secondly the divine spirit which inhabits this mind, the Thought Adjuster, and all the potentials inherent in this fragment of absolute spirituality; and thirdly the relationship between the material mind and the divine spirit which inhabits it denoting a value of spirit comprising undeniable meanings. This new reality, issued from the material mind, joined to the divine nature of the spirit results in a new reality halfway between the two natures of origin, therefore morontia (UB 111:2.5-7).
In order to fully understand what the soul is, one must take into account all that has been mentioned above about the nature of this divine fragment, and all that is the human mind endowed with a personality blessed with free will and self-awareness. This magnificent personality, of a deified nature, constituting another of the gifts of the Universal Father created in the image of that of the Original Son, the archetype of all personalities and having as its function the unification of all the components of human identity.
The soul would therefore be the product of the material mind of the spirit-born man using the power of free will to conceptualize in his mind the highest spiritual values of beauty, truth and goodness thus seeking to identify himself more and more with the Absolute Reality, the origin of all things and beings in the universe of universes. Such a being would ceaselessly aspire to be like the Father, the very source of his personality and the goal of his endless quest.
It is often said that as above, so below, so above, and so also with the human soul. Just as Paradise is the material basis upon which deity activities are actualized in the creation of a cosmos of infinite destiny, so the material mind of man is the material basis upon which spirit activities will create a soul of a new and morontia nature destined to become an eternal spirit with the qualified capacity to approach absolute spirit realities.
All realities being at the base of energy and spirit, the same is true for the soul. Matter has as its primary composition the ultimaton (UB 42:1.2). Thus, the material body of man has for its constitution an assembly of atoms made up of ultimatons as basic energy. The Adjuster being also pure energy, but also a pure spirit, the essence of life (UB 42:1.1), the union of these two forms of energy under the impulse of the human will contained in his personality produces the material constituting the soul, this new reality of a morontia nature, halfway between the material and the spiritual. In this operation, the two forms of energy, material and spiritual, find their catalyst for action in the decision-making power of the personality. This is what seems logical to me in the formation of the soul of a morontia nature!