© 2023 Claude Flibotte
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Claude Flibotte
Following the excellent conference by Gaétan Charland given on March 19, 2023 and entitled “Luciferian thought, revelation and us”, I share my comments with you!
In my view, freedom and true democracy are intimately connected since the freedom of individuals is included in this governmental system. According to the Melchizedek of Nebadon in UB 71:2.1 it is said: “Although democracy is an ideal, it is the product of civilization and not of evolution.”
So, since democracy is an ideal, what advantages does it offer us over other forms of government? According to Wikipedia, democracy is a political system that guarantees sovereignty to citizens who exercise it directly through the right to vote. These values concern respect for the Constitution and the rule of law, respect for the legitimate authority of ministers, the defense of human rights and freedoms which constitute the foundation of a democratic society and the acceptance of the responsibility to promote social and economic development. Democracy is based on political, union and religious freedoms.
Without being a political scientist, if we compare what democracy is and its advantages to those of other forms of government, it is easy to immediately see the big difference! Among these other forms of government, the most important are: Theocracy based on divine power, but led by clerics exercising power. For example, we have the Vatican led by the Pope and Iran led by the Shiite power; Republic, a regime that is not a monarchy where the ruling person, the president, is elected by the nation or its representatives. France is a republic; Oligarchy where power is in the hands of a small number of people. For example, we have the communist countries, governed by the privileged elite of party members; Monarchy, a regime in which only one person commands: the sovereign. This is either a king, an emperor, a caliph, an emir, etc. The majority of today’s monarchies are constitutional. This is the case in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain, Japan and others. We could also cite Despotism exercised outside the law designating an arbitrary and oppressive power; Dictatorship, often synonymous with despotism, and finally Totalitarianism, an extreme dictatorial regime such as fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, the USSR or Maoist China of the 20th century, the state seeking to control and subject the whole of social life to its power.
Finally, you would say to me “why cite this long list of ways of governing?”, well it is to follow up on Gaétan’s conference by linking it to this quote from a Powerful Messenger attached to the government of the superuniverse of Orvonton:
There is no error greater than that species of self-deception which leads intelligent beings to crave the exercise of power over other beings for the purpose of depriving these persons of their natural liberties. The golden rule of human fairness cries out against all such fraud, unfairness, selfishness, and unrighteousness. Only true and genuine liberty is compatible with the reign of love and the ministry of mercy. (UB 54:1.8)
In light of this quote, what striking examples of true and false freedom do we have in today’s world? I will stick to four examples that made headlines!
United States. Donald Trump, probably the most famous falsifier of the truth and master of conspiracy! According to Pierre Martin, professor of political science at the University of Montreal, Trump lied to his people on many subjects; Covid-19, the southern wall paid for by Mexico, the Mueller investigation, his false health insurance plan, not being able to reveal his tax returns, denied the result of the election in favor of President Joe Biden, and many others. Today, his country is divided more than ever between Democrats and Republicans. Rights and freedoms are threatened even if this individual is no longer in power. The damage is done and continues in the population. What will become of this great people who were once the light of the world?
Russia. Since the fall of the USSR in 1991, Vladimir Putin has been involved in several wars out of a desire for imperialism and past glory. Following two conflicts in Chechnya, in 1994 and 1999, Putin left behind tens of thousands of dead on both sides. In 2008, taking advantage of a conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia, Putin invaded Georgia, killing several hundred people. In the process, the Kremlin recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In 2014, after the Maidan movement, Russia annexed Crimea. Pro-Russian movements emerged in eastern Ukraine, in Donetsk and Lugansk, Donbass region. On February 24, 2022, Putin invaded Ukraine. This conflict is still ongoing, having so far caused hundreds of thousands of deaths. Since 2015, Russia has been militarily supporting Bashar al-Assad in Syria. With the help of deadly bombings, Putin has allowed the Damascus regime to remain in power.
China. Xi Jinping has been the President of the People’s Republic of China since March 14, 2013. The son of a companion of Mao Zedong, he joined the Chinese Communist Party in the 1970s. He was elected to various positions throughout his career. Due to his exaltation of national sentiment and his total control over the Party, he appears to be the most powerful and authoritarian leader since Mao. In 2018, he removed the limit on the number of presidential terms, making him president for life. He pursues an aggressive policy towards Taiwan, the China Sea, the Uyghur people and a brutal repression against all opponents. Today, he is moving closer to Putin’s Russia and its vassal countries in order to form a common front against the West and North America. He imposes censorship on the internet and flouts human rights.
Canada. Although Canada is a democracy, conspiratorial influence, disinformation on social networks and certain radio stations have greatly undermined the public opinion of a minority of citizens. Harmful influences coming from outside the country, either from the United States or from Euro-Asian countries, have weakened the confidence of voters in their electoral system and politicians in general, who are nevertheless guarantors of a healthy democracy.
In light of these four examples among many others not cited, it is clear that the sophistries of Lucifer contained in his manifesto of freedom and amply supported by Caligastia on Urantia, have wreaked havoc on our world, bringing its share of suffering and death. It is up to us to open our eyes wide to see the truth in the face and to take the necessary measures to remedy the situation on the march towards the era of light and life!
Even wisdom is divine and safe only when it is cosmic in scope and spiritual in motivation. (UB 54:1.7)