© 2023 Claude Flibotte
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Claude Flibotte
Do we realize what our participation in the actualization of this new deity that is the Supreme represents for us? When we have become, in Paradise, perfect finaliters, by a technique of experiencing finaliter transcendence, we will then be connected to the spiritual gravity circuit of the Eternal Son, we will become experiential personalities of God the Supreme (UB 117:5.3).
At present, our finite creature mind prevents us from knowing the Father as infinite and absolute, yet in relationship with the Supreme, He will compensate for our inability to make limited contact with the universe of universes. Revelators suspect that being fused with our Thought Adjuster, He will reveal to us, upon attainment of the seventh spirit stage, the divinity and nature of God the Supreme, the equivalent of the revelation of the Infinite to an absolute being (UB 117:6.18).
Since all creature experiences register in the Supreme, and since all creatures will have attained the final experiential level of divinity in the Supreme by the end of the Second Universe Age, we will have actual contact with the totality of this experience (UB 117:5.14).
Imagine the sum of this experience by comparing the mind of the Supreme to the computer cloud (Cloud) in which will be stored the totality of the spiritual experiences of the Supreme Creators who are the 700,000 Creator Sons with their Paradise experience, in Havona as well as in their respective universes; of the 700,000 Creative Daughters with their similar experience; of the 21 Ancients of Days; of the 7 Master Spirits; of all the evolutionary creatures of the past, present and future of the 1 trillion planets of the 7 superuniverses in addition to the other creatures. To this must be added the experience of all beings in connection with the control of energies and matter. The totality of the experience of these contributors culminating in the actualization of the Supreme Being. Not to mention the personality of this Supreme Being. Truly, our Father has planned very great things for us, his children, and this will only be the beginning since we will subsequently, in the company of the Supreme, have to face the mysteries of the ultimate and the absolute!
How do you feel about this amazing future that lies before us?