© 2023 Claude Flibotte
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Claude Flibotte
“The planetary conduct of non-breathers would be of more than interest to you, because a race of these beings inhabits a sphere very near Urantia” (UB 49:3.6).
Here is a quote from the Urantia Book that certainly piques your curiosity, at least mine! In the past, I read an article by an author dealing with this subject, which unfortunately I have not been able to find, who located their planet inside our solar system. Obviously, for the Melchizedek of the Jerusem school of planetary administration, “very close to Urantia” can mean inside our solar system as well as light years away from us!
Usually, a planet orbits its parent star, just as Urantia orbits the Sun, so does the planet of the non-breathers. What do our astronomers know about this star? At the moment, it is the closest star to us. I say at the moment, since stars, like our Sun, move through the cosmos orbiting around a center of gravity of their own. Right now, Proxima Centauri has been the closest star for 32,000 years, but in 33,000 years, it will be the star Ross 248 that holds that title.
Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf star with a radius of about one and a half times that of Jupiter, or 200,000 km, and a mass of one-eighth of the Sun. To give you an idea of its size, it would take about 1,000 Urantia planets to fill the interior of the planet Jupiter. This star was only discovered in 1915 by the British astronomer Robert T. A. Innes, because its luminosity, as seen from Urantia, is very low. In fact, its luminosity is only 0.17% of that of the Sun, while 85% of its light is in the infrared wavelength range. The distance between Proxima Centauri and our solar system is about 4.244 light-years. As time passes, in 26,700 years, it will be only 3.2 light years away from us.
According to astronomers and based on its physical characteristics, Proxima Centauri should continue its life as a red dwarf for another 1000 billion years or even more. As the hydrogen converts to helium, it will become smaller and hotter and its color will change from red to blue. It will end its life as a white dwarf, but without going through the red giant phase as will happen for our Sun.
According to the latest information collected, Proxima Centauri could have a procession of three planets and a series of more or less voluminous dust belts.
Proxima Centauri B is a planet orbiting 7 million kilometers from its star. It is traveling in what is called the habitable zone according to our astronomers, the zone where the existence of liquid water is possible. It was discovered in August 2016 by the European Southern Observatory. It would have a mass of 1.3 compared to our Earth. It would be a rocky planet. Assuming that it has no atmosphere, which is compatible with what is said in The Urantia Book for a world of non-breathers, this state of affairs would give it a temperature of -40 °C in the shade. It is much too cold for me, but is it comfortable for non-breathers? But, as it is mentioned in UB 49:3.4 for non-breathers “the reactions of the nervous system, the temperature regulating mechanism and the metabolism of these specialized peoples are radically different from these same functions in mortals”. So a non-breather would probably have no trouble living at such a low temperature unless he or she avoided spending long periods in the shade.
Paper 49:3 tells us that there are less than 7% of such planets in our superuniverse of Orvonton, and that this percentage drops below 3% in Nebadon to show only 9 of these worlds in our system of Satania. The rarity of these worlds would be due to the fact that our system is young and still provided with numerous meteoric space bodies. Which is a clear disadvantage for a sphere devoid of atmosphere which cannot dissolve the bolides by friction with atmospheric molecules.
On these worlds, the inhabitants must imperatively protect themselves from falling meteorites by electrical installations which consume or deflect them. Also, because they have no atmosphere, these worlds are subject to terrible energy storms forcing the inhabitants to take refuge in their special protective isolation constructions.
The author tells us that non-breathers do not absorb water or food as we do. All the acts of their life are carried out differently, except reproduction, and even there, the methods of procreation are somewhat different. Without an atmosphere, animal life also differs from that of atmospheric planets.
According to an article by Richard “Dick” Bain (Non-breathers: Very Strange Neighbors), from the United States, found on the Urantiapedia website, and if I summarize his excellent article, non-breathers would obtain their energy for living directly from their star with the help of the Master Physical Controllers much like plants absorb energy through photosynthesis. We know that photosynthesis uses water and carbon dioxide in the process to synthesize the starches and sugars needed to make plants, so it is possible that this is the case for them. Having no atmosphere, the planet could not have liquid water on its surface, but could contain some frozen beneath the surface, like our Moon. As for carbon dioxide, we saw above that the temperature of Proxima Centauri B being very low, it would be possible to find it in the form of gel also on the surface or below. We therefore find there the chemical elements to begin the feeding process. Unless their body is capable of directly converting the light of their star into electricity to support their vital functions.
In his article, Richard develops the idea that having no air, and therefore no lungs, non-breathers might not have mouths. However, he asks the question where does the raw material come from to produce their bodies? His answer would possibly be the plants and animals that populate their planet. At that point, to obtain the materials necessary for their bodies, and since they do not eat and drink water like we do, they could consume plants and animals not to obtain energy like we do, but for the minerals already present in this food!
Are they made up of cells like our bodies are? His conclusion is yes. The Life Carriers having evolved life from a unicellular life to lead to the appearance of this humanoid life form, their body is undoubtedly made up of cells. Who says cells, says food and a system to transmit this food therefore a circulatory system necessarily involving a pump like our heart. He even imagines a mechanism to quickly close a wound following an injury to avoid a rapid loss of circulatory fluid.
Another particularity for these non-breathers lies in communication. How do they understand each other? No air, no speech. So, he assumes that they use other means of communication. He thinks of communication by signs used by people with hearing difficulties, however in the dark this method proves ineffective. He then suggests radio waves. The non-breathers could have a specialized organ like that of electric eels. By varying the current in a conductive material with a variation in the rhythm, this would generate electromagnetic waves, radio waves. Obviously, another organ would be needed to detect them, which, according to him, would not have been an obstacle for the Life Carriers. In short, it is certain that the Life Carriers will have planned everything so that the life of these humanoids is possible and pleasant.
Another interesting feature is mentioned in UB 40:5.15 where the Mighty Messenger informs us that nonbreathers need special means to communicate with us on the morontia worlds. This presupposes that our morontia bodies are similar to those of our mortal bodies. Also according to Richard’s hypothesis, they would have to be equipped with devices that convert their radio waves into sound waves and vice versa for us.
Finally, Richard concludes his article by mentioning that non-breathers are identical to us in manifestation of spirit and personality. He feels that the prayer in UB 144:5.6 that says, “Give us this day the life-giving forces of light” would have been written by a non-breather.
Eventually this life form becomes so deviated from other life forms that even in survival they cannot fuse with their Adjuster. They fuse with Spirit.
Source of information on the star: The Wikipedia encyclopedia.