© 1992 David Schlundt
By K.D. Schlundt
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I was Looking over there
when the world ended…
hardly heard the earth expire.
The ground had Geen shaking so long anyway,
drunk with oil and oligarchies.
Yes, I was Looking over there
when it must have happened —
at mountain snow-fields highframed
through aspen sentine
punctuating deep blue Rocky sky-lines.
_Such an essay God wrought to my perspectius _
that day the world ended!
Or was it the day the world began?
The turnings have been so long
the cusp so steep
I wasn’t really looking
for the other side of death that day.
Only when I touched tomorrow
did I find its texture
tuned to a whole new age of transitions and
And so, now that the end of the beginning is past
I can tell it’s tims to tune up
and tune in
to New turnings.
David Schlundt died in September, 1991.