© 1993 E. Ann Star
Angels int thits early hour
Come calling on me before bedrest:
The Angels of Love, Truth, Courage, Beauty,
And Angels of Purpase, Freedom, and Spontaniety —
All Seven enfold me in their Love,
Will watch over me as I sleep.
Thank you, Angels,
I welcome you and will slumber
Under Thy protecting wings.
There is a special place
where none can go but me;
A place no other human has been,
or ever shall be;
A sacred place only God
is allowed to see.
He reserved this place,
where He and I can meet
For quiet talks about my hurts
and needs;
A place where all I’ve been
is seen or heard only with
my permission.
Otherwise, no mortal or celestial
can enter in.
You, too, have such a place —
a very special place;
a sacred rendezvous,
for chosen times — by you.
Even God won’t intrude without
your request that He
enter in and sup with thee.
Nor will He allow others
to violate
The privacy of your very
special place.
In my sleep I know Thou art present,
When time to awaken, Thy love arouses me.
My days are never lonely,
They are filled with Thy fellowsfip
Throught everyone I call friend.
Even the casual passersby
Smile Thy smile through their eyes.
When sorrow envelops me
Like a dark cloud shrouding the sun,
Thy Presence is heard
In Thy whispered word,
This, too, shall pass.
When I rejoice from joys ursurpassed,
Thine arms enfold me with boundless love,
While angel choruses sing
Their eternal songs of bliss.
Whether awake or asleep,
On mountain top or valley deep,
Thou art with me abiding.
The sun does shine within you,
Just as it shines upon Earth;
Nurturing life with its warmth.
So must your inner sunshine
Nurture your thoughts and words;
Reflected in every action.
Daily, to which you give birth.
This what your life is worth.
Simple are the joys
When peaceful is the heart;
Peaceful is the heart
When overflowing with Love;
All responds lovingly
To a heart radiating Love.