© 2023 Éric Tarissan
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Eric Tarissan
Following a conversation with a friend who pointed me to booklet 42 on energy, the mind and matter, I was struck by the inspiring fifth paragraph which I commented on with parentheses and which I also completed by summarizing in a few words the presentation I made last May on “The Infinite Past and The Eternal Worlds”. So here, from another angle, is the Infinite Father.
“The creation of energy [I would like to say that energy was not created since God IS energy therefore, energy like life, like consciousness, truth and love have no beginning, since they have ALWAYS existed] and the bestowal of life are the prerogatives of the Universal Father and his associate Creator personalities. The river of energy and life is a continuous outpouring from the Deities, the universal and united stream of Paradise force going forth to all space. [Imagine the infinite middle space which is in reality God (which is Energy, Life, Consciousness and Love), feeding the penetrated space with energy, life, spirit and personality. And this can never have an end, since the Source of all these realities of Energy, Life, Consciousness and Love IS INFINITE, PERFECT AND ABSOLUTE, thus being able to eternally nourish and feed our penetrated space]. This divine energy [and infinite] pervades all creation. The force organizers initiate those changes and institute those modifications of space-force which eventuate in energy; [in fact, they dilute the Energy that, at the beginning, is pure and unmixed. They dilute it until they can manipulate it to form matter that, as we know, begins in the form of ultimatons] the power directors transmute energy into matter; [but the spark of life itself, comes from the Infinite Spirit] thus the material worlds are born. The Life Carriers initiate those processes in dead matter which we call life, material life. The Morontia Power Supervisors likewise perform throughout the transition realms between the material and the spiritual worlds. [et cela commence avec les mondes des maisons où ils nous ‘fabriquent’ ces premiers corps morontiels à l’image de notre personnalité et, ainsi de suite tout au long des quelques 570 changements de niveaux morontiels] The higher spirit Creators inaugurate similar processes in divine forms of energy, and there ensue the higher spirit forms of intelligent life.” [when we reach the spiritual levels of progression, after having had the full experience of the morontia levels] (UB 42:1.5)
This is where we can see the Infinity of the divine Father, at work, feeding all creation with his Energy, his Life, his Consciousness, his Love and his Infinite personality. This INFINITY to which we are connected and thanks to which an endless destiny becomes possible, as much for the universe that we inhabit, as for ALL the personalities that are there and that will see the light of day there.
It will take a long time before astronomers understand that the universe (the creation of a Perfect and Infinite Creator) will never end, but what is more, will never stop evolving towards perfection, which it will eventually reach completely, entirely and totally. And all these ideas about the universe as a closed system containing a limited amount of space, matter and energy, moving towards greater disorder and in which “nothing is lost, nothing is created” - are all and entirely false.
Until physicists add infinity ( ∞ ) to the equation, they will be unable to fully understand and conceive of the behavior, state, and situation of the universe. Only by connecting the universe to an infinite source can the first principle “nothing is lost, nothing is created” remain credible and viable. Otherwise, how could this universe continue to expand for billions of years if there was only a finite amount of space and energy in it? — it makes no sense.
In truth the universe is connected to an Infinite Source of energy, continuously allowing the creation of matter; all of it progressing ceaselessly towards balance and perfection. The quantity of energy, space and matter, since the beginning of the creation of the superuniverses, has not ceased to increase and grow. The universe never ceases to grow, to build itself and to evolve, until the day when it will finally materially reach (in a possible and distant future), the perfection of Paradise which is the perfect model, the absolute archetype.
At that moment, during this third level of realization (the Seventh Age, consisting of the endless search for God the Absolute), when He will actualize Himself at the same time as the Absolute Trinity (the Second experiential Trinity, forming with the existential Trinity of Paradise, the Trinity of Trinities) — the entire space breathing system having reached the very perfection of the median space, will disappear by merging with it. Thus freeing all the personalities who were part of it, allowing them from then on to set out to conquer the Infinite Father, the Absolute God, and to make the endless discovery of the eternal worlds, which have always populated his infinite, absolute and limitless space.
The association of these three Trinities in the Trinity of Trinities provides for a possible unlimited integration of reality. This grouping contains causes, intermediates, and finals; inceptors, realizers, and consummators; beginnings, existences, and destinies. (UB 106:8.12)
In short, the actualization of God the Absolute (God the existential/experiential Father), will not only allow the actualization of the Trinity of Trinities, but will also open the door to the experiential/existential and endless discovery of its infinity…, and of the eternal worlds which have always taken place there, and which we will never finish getting to know, constantly creating new relationships and which, all together as initiators, realizers and consumers, will make possible all these new beginnings, existences and destinies — at a spiritual level where, from the point of view of the personality, time and space will now be transcended, like a cosmic monument of our lived experience.
(Since there will be no more space between us and God (the Adjuster), and from a temporal standpoint we will no longer be under the yoke of time, having transcended it and no longer subject to it, like the Paradise Citizens or the Havona Natives who never knew a beginning!
Sincerely, amicably and fraternally,
Become aware for a few minutes that the universe is not a closed system as physicists always say, but that it is indeed connected to God, to infinity (via Paradise), and meditate for a few moments while becoming aware of this divine reality.