© 2023 France Tremblay
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
France Tremblay
My dear morontia sisters and brothers… I would like to speak to you about a subject that is particularly close to my heart… the divine “download”.
The first time I heard this term was during my first video meeting with Guy Perron, Agnès Lazar and a few other morontia friends… it was my first UBIS course.
Guy complimented me on the quality of my answers and spontaneously, in all naivety and out of concern for honesty towards my divine Adjuster… I replied that I was cheating with my Adjuster… that I was “downloading” the answers. This seemed to surprise him and he asked me to clarify… So I simply told him that when I had made all possible human efforts to answer a question and the answer was still not clear in my mind… then I asked my Adjuster to cheat with me and provide it to me during my sleep… the next day, I woke up and the answer was clear and limpid in my head and I only had to quickly transcribe in one go what my Adjuster dictated to me!
In all honesty, I believed that this simple and effective process was used by everyone… how naive of me… now I realize it!.. Being an isolated reader of this marvelous tool that is The Urantia Book for years… I had not had the opportunity to discuss with others how they communicated with the Celestials as I call them.
To my great surprise… while listening to a video that the Celestials presented to me on YouTube… entitled UBIS Spotlight… the divine will… Agnès uses this term of divine “download”… what a pleasure to see that I am not the only one… other friends are playing the same game as me with the Celestials… hallelujah!
Besides, I invite you to watch this very interesting video and don’t hesitate to comment afterwards.
This is what the divine “download” is for me… quite simply a communication, a message that can come from different Celestials but has always been approved and relayed by the Thought Adjuster… my divine Pilot… It therefore controls everything that arrives in my emails… this powerful computer that receives these emails is obviously my mind… and not just any computer… I exchanged it a long time ago for the luxury model of the same type that Jesus used… it is “fully equipped”… no need to “download” or erase old obsolete programs… everything is done automatically… in any case I do not have the clairvoyance to know where to find these new programs or which are the best… I trust the Celestials… They are competent and directive in the sense that they know where they are going!
The only command for which I am responsible is the “DELETE” button… the latter is used to do a big spring cleaning on this computer… not in the programs as I explained above… but in the computer viruses which can greatly interfere with the proper functioning of my computer… you guessed it… these are the poisons of the mind, the main one being fear… master intellectual fraud practiced on the evolving soul… Example of human philosophy no. 2 (UB 48:7.4) how precious these examples are for grasping the meaning of the mota… thank you Celestials!
My computer obviously serves me in all the daily affairs of everyday life but I use it especially for everyday life but I receive my divine emails and I press the “FORWARD” button when my Adjuster asks me to forward this message… I do it with enthusiasm and in all confidence knowing that God’s Plan is always perfect! It has happened that some of my contacts no longer want to receive the messages that I “forward”… questioning their origin… to them I respond that free will is sacred… and I pray to my Adjuster that this message is delivered to them differently!
The second use is also very important to me… it’s to PLAY… yes lots of fun games… puzzles and creative association games… and what can I say about the Celestial library in the virtual cloud other than it’s breathtaking to wander around and discover so much beauty and truth!.. There is also the possibility of connecting several computers at the same time and playing with lots of friends all over the world… including with the Celestials. In my opinion, play is the best way to learn… children know this instinctively!
The third use is problem solving… which is definitely better when networking with other morontia and celestial friends and with a super fast internet connection and battery recharge… unfortunately these groups are still too few in number and therefore difficult to find on Urantia… but let’s not lose hope!
This for me is what the divine “download” is and I thank God for this tool available to all!
I forgot to tell you that this tool was described in these words by Jesus in booklet 140:9 when they put you on trial, do not worry about what you will say, because the Spirit of my Father lives in you and will speak for you at those times.
(Editor’s note: The opinions expressed by the various participants and presenters are their own and do not reflect any policy or ideology of the Reflectivity Journal.)
Here is a warning to all of us from a Solitary Messenger of Orvonton:
But a human being would do better to err in rejecting an Adjuster’s expression through believing it to be a purely human experience than to blunder into exalting a reaction of the mortal mind to the sphere of divine dignity. (UB 110:5.5)