© 2023 France Tremblay
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
France Tremblay
Hello my Urantian sisters and brothers, I have just finished reading the Reflectivity of June 2023 and I particularly appreciated the clairvoyance of Jean Lapierre and Claude Flibotte on the subject of the brake of material inertia and the importance of the rapid growth of experiential wisdom.
If I may, I would like to humbly offer a few pieces that seem to me to be part of this great puzzle!
Exhibit #1: UB 195:9.2 But paganized and socialized Christianity needs a new contact with the uncompromising teachings of Jesus; it languishes for want of a fresh vision of the Master’s life on earth. A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to triumph over an empire of materialistic secularism and to reverse a world-wide tide of mechanistic naturalism. Urantia now quivers on the very brink of one of its most astounding and exciting epochs of social adjustment, moral stimulation, and spiritual illumination.
The Urantia Book is a magnificent tool that was given to us by celestial beings in 1955… For me this era has begun.
Exhibit #2: UB 37:9.11 In a comparative sense these midwayers are the permanent citizens of the evolutionary worlds. From the earliest times of the arrival of a Planetary Prince until the distant future when the planet will be settled in light and life, they are the only group of intelligent beings who remain permanently on the sphere. On Urantia the midway ministers are in reality the effective curators of the planet; in practice they are the citizens of Urantia. It is true that mortals are the physical and material inhabitants of an evolutionary world, but the lives of all of you are so short, you live but a short time on your planet of nativity. You are born, you live, you die, and you pass on to other worlds of evolutionary progress. Even the superhuman beings who serve as celestial ministers on the planets have only temporary assignments; very few of them are attached to any one sphere for long. However, the midway creatures ensure the continuity of planetary administration in the face of ever-changing celestial agents and constantly varying mortal inhabitants. During all these incessant changes and replacements, the midway creatures remain on the planet where they continue their work without interruption.
I imagine that these morontia brothers have no interest in seeing a recession and a dark age arrive on Urantia… No doubt they are working hard to prevent that!
Exhibit #3: UB 114:5.4 This planetary government, organized in a rather loose and somewhat personal manner, is more efficient than expected, because of the time saved by the assistance of the archangels and their circuit always available and so often used in case of planetary emergency or administrative difficulties. Technically, the planet is still spiritually isolated in the circuits of Norlatiadek, but, in case of emergency, this handicap can now be avoided by using the circuit of the archangels.
If I understand correctly… the group of 24 advisors is competent and efficient…thank God!
Exhibit #4: UB 48:7.9 7. Unforeseen and inexplicable accidents do not occur in the cosmos. Nor do celestial beings provide assistance to an inferior creature who refuses to act according to the lights he possesses on the truth.
If I interpret this morontia mota correctly…the celestial beings help us and will help us ONLY if we ACT according to the truths we have received!
There are certainly other interesting pieces of the puzzle that you have…thanks for sharing them with me!
God for the Spirit of Truth!
Thank you for sharing this comment with my Urantian sisters and brothers!