© 2024 Francine Fortin
© 2024 Urantia Association of Quebec
Francine Fortin
What I find sad is that those who believe in Jesus only remember his death on the cross and that the little of his teachings left in the gospels of his apostles is lost because of this tragedy.
Now that I have been studying the life and teachings of Jesus for years, thanks to The Urantia Book, I feel an increased responsibility, which I have accepted, not only to continue his ministry of making known the true nature of God, the source of Love, but also to try to educate believers by enhancing the image of Jesus and the message he addresses to us on brotherhood and fatherhood.
Of course, I must be careful not to offend the beliefs of religious fervents, especially by speaking of the Spirit of Truth, a new concept for most of them.
I am therefore inspired by this teaching from our Master:
“He did not wish to destroy, by the establishment of a precise ceremonial, the individual concept of divine communion, nor did he wish to limit the spiritual imagination of believers by paralyzing it in a formal manner.
He rather sought to set man’s reborn soul free upon the joyous wings of a new and living spiritual liberty. (UB 179:5.4)
Unfortunately in Quebec, where the Catholic religion has done irreparable damage, it is extremely difficult for me to talk about God or Jesus.
But when on rare occasions the door is open to me, I enter and try to inspire the few believers I meet with uplifting thoughts about God and Jesus.
For me, the best way to do this is to establish a climate of trust by placing at the heart of our conversations three common, meaningful and inspiring subjects for all: God / Jesus / Love.
Love is the greatest spiritual value that Jesus came to teach us, because it is the highest and most edifying representation of God.
The whole life of Jesus was a vibrant demonstration of Love, which flows from the Love of God, our Father, who is in heaven.
The fact that God sent His Son to die on the cross is the first concept that I try to change, by answering the question that I asked myself when I was a child, and that many people still ask:
“Why did God send his son to be crucified, if he is a God of love?”
By shifting the responsibility for the crucifixion from God, who loves us unconditionally, to the real murderers, the Jews and the Romans, I always manage to surprise people and open up new avenues of thought for them.
The story I tell them, inspired by the Spirit of Truth and my knowledge, often leaves them pleasantly surprised by this new interpretation of the cross as the ultimate confirmation of God’s Love!
As I truly experience God’s Love in every aspect of my life, expressed in so many ways, in service to my sisters and brothers, I know that not only am I doing His Will, but that I am following the way, the path that Jesus showed us.
God bless you!