© 2024 Francisco Javier Santos Castilla
© 2024 Urantia Association of Spain
Luz y Vida — March 2024 — Editorial | Luz y Vida — March 2024 | Urantia Questionnaire: Juan Antonio Figal Mañas |
There are many interesting paragraphs that have stayed in my memory, but some that have recently been “haunting” me are the following:
Today’s profit-motivated economy is doomed to failure unless profit motives can be overcome by service motives. Ruthless competition based on narrow-minded selfishness ultimately destroys that which it seeks to maintain. The selfish, exclusive profit motive is incompatible with Christian ideals—much more incompatible with the teachings of Jesus. UB 71:6.1
In economics, the profit motive is to the service motive what fear is to love in religion. But the profit motive is not to be suddenly destroyed or eliminated; it keeps many otherwise lazy mortals hard at work. It is not necessary, however, that this exciter of social energy be perennially selfish in its aims. UB 71:6.2
The profit motive in economic activities is entirely base and wholly unworthy in an advanced order of society; nevertheless, it is an indispensable factor during the early stages of civilization. The profit motive is not to be taken away from men until they have solid higher types of non-profit motives for economic endeavor and social service–the transcendent striving for superlative wisdom, fascinating brotherhood, and the excellence of spiritual attainment. UB 71:6.3
These paragraphs give me a lot to think about. On the one hand, it admits that the motivation of profit, of benefit over work, is a motivating agent for the population in the early stages of development of human societies.
I understand that all beings, both high in development and at low levels, need an incentive or a reward for their effort. This makes me wonder: what do the higher types of beings, angelic, morontial, Life Carriers, or others, gain for their work? It is understood that the satisfaction for the service provided is sufficient for these entities, or not? But to reach that point of being satisfied for the service provided, I understand that one must be sufficiently prepared mentally and spiritually to endure work that is arduous at some time or place. Can a seraphim (or other beings) get tired of serving a specific purpose, with the only “payment” being the satisfaction for the service provided? This thought makes me think about this matter, and the truth is that I cannot find a definitive conclusion.
I understand that the industries on Jerusem or on other mansion world planets will produce gadgets. How many teaching gadgets will they make? How many vehicles? How much food, what types? What kind of clothing will be made? All of these things are determined on our planets (like Urantia) efficiently by the law of supply and demand. If there is demand for a certain item and little production, the price of this item increases, and it is an incentive for the industrialist to produce more of this more in-demand item at a higher price. But in economies where profit is not the focus, but service, how do these variables determine? And going further, who in their right mind (no matter how much loving service it is) would agree to work on dangerous or arduous tasks if there is no reward for it? What incentive for innovation and development is there in economies where you will always do the same thing and only get satisfaction as payment for your effort and work? What happens if you do not enjoy your work? Are there planned or free market economies on the morontia worlds? Is there private property on these worlds or is there some form of state collectivism?
The reward for an ascending being could be just that, the fact of ascending and getting closer to the Father and Paradise, but in beings created as is that do not change or evolve, I do not know how they are motivated to work and make an effort.
I understand that there should be some type of currency on these planets, because money is a useful method to access goods and services provided by third parties, and through which you immediately benefit from your work and effort. Obviously, profit will not be the center of the motivations of the beings that inhabit higher spheres than ours, but I do not understand any other way to deal with this issue other than with some type of currency or something similar to this concept (points, social recognition, etc.).
These paragraphs lead me to these reflections. They are not very spiritual or inspiring, I admit, but it is still an interesting debate and worthy of being taken into consideration.
Thank you very much for reading me. Until next time.
Luz y Vida — March 2024 — Editorial | Luz y Vida — March 2024 | Urantia Questionnaire: Juan Antonio Figal Mañas |