© 2024 Gaétan G. Charland
© 2024 Urantia Association of Quebec
Gaetan G. Charland
You have decided or are considering starting your own study group. In this presentation, we will explore the essential elements to consider for successfully setting up and sustaining your study group.
Before starting a study group, it is important to answer some basic questions:
Answering these questions is crucial to ensuring the progression and success of your group.
Today, there are several study group guides published by different organizations to help you plan and start your group. There are also websites dedicated to listing study groups and offering you the opportunity to publish your own. However, before you check out these resources, you must first answer one fundamental question:
What is the goal I want to pursue with this group?
The purpose of your group must be compatible with the mission of The Urantia Book. This means that you must be well versed in this mission, which you can discover in The Urantia Book and the Publication Mandate. This purpose is both intellectual and spiritual. One of the goals listed in The Urantia Book is to expand cosmic consciousness and heighten spiritual perception. To accomplish this, a study group must explore and study both of these aspects.
You will find many answers to the pursuit of a spiritual goal and its application not only in the first three parts of the book, but more specifically in the life of Jesus. One of the proposed goals is to bring to life the teachings of The Urantia Book. Do not be discouraged if these goals seem intangible or out of reach at first. Patience and perseverance are essential. Becoming a host of a study group offers many spiritual and intellectual benefits, which become more tangible over time. These benefits are not limited to the host, but are also part of the experience of the participants.
Here are some important criteria to consider for the success of your project:
Each of these criteria requires a desirable experience to sincerely achieve the desired goal.
Reading The Urantia Book in its entirety one or more times is an absolute must.
Having already participated in one or more study groups is an important asset, especially if this experience has been spread over several years and with different groups. These experiences will certainly enrich your efforts.
Knowing The Urantia Book and deciding how to facilitate a group is crucial, provided that humility guides that facilitation. As The Urantia Book states:
“. . . The pride of unspiritualized learning is a treacherous thing in human experience. The true teacher maintains his intellectual integrity by ever remaining a learner.”” (UB 130:3.7)
Frequency of meetings is essential to achieving a goal in harmony with that proposed by The Urantia Book. The regularity of meetings has an important impact on the goal sought. For example, your education required regular periods of study and learning. Similarly, to achieve a goal in harmony with that of The Urantia Book, a sincere effort is necessary to establish a frequency of meetings and a reasonable study program.
Each host should decide how to run and facilitate their group, consulting with potential or current members on operating criteria. You can get inspiration from guides available online or consult with study group hosts.
At the beginning, a group can be made up of a small number of participants, for example three people. With time and good recruitment strategies, this number can increase. However, it is recommended not to exceed ten to twelve people to facilitate exchanges and sharing.
Develop a protocol for meetings and make sure that all participants know it and adhere to it. This will ensure the smooth running of the group and avoid any slip-ups. You can draw inspiration from the various study group guides to establish your own.
In carrying out this project, you will encounter several challenges. Approach them with discernment and wisdom, and they will contribute to the growth and health of your group. Consult the available guides for advice on organizing, facilitating, and maintaining the functionality of your study group.
Happy study group!