© 2023 Gaétan G. Charland
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Gaetan G. Charland
Hello members and friends of the association,
Last month in my message from the president, I spoke to you about certain concerns of the members of the board of your association, highlighting the small number of young readers in Quebec and elsewhere in the world. Recently, I attended an online meeting called “Alumni Meeting”, which brought together several students from the School of Progressive Divine Wisdom.
During this meeting of sharing and exchange, a student by the name of Joseph Goma from Brazzaville in the Congo made this inspiring remark, that we older readers have reached maturity; in fact we are at the peak of our life and he gave the qualifier of humano-morontial, that is to say that our mortal life is ending and we are approaching morontial life.
I summarize Joseph’s words by saying that it is at this time in our life that we have acquired greater wisdom, better knowledge and that we can give back to the younger ones what we have acquired in our life as spiritual value.
For me, it was a light at the end of the tunnel. We, the readers of Quebec, all possess a wealth of experiences, knowledge, and inspiring spiritual truths that very few possess. So, what better time today than the one we live in to give back to others what we have acquired during our lives. The responsibility falls on us to find wise and respectful ways to give back to others in order to raise their spiritual consciousness.
This is why during my conference on “Luciferian thought, revelation and us”, I took care to emphasize the importance of the schools of the Urantia Book made available to us to acquire these ways of doing things and thus share the spiritual treasure that we all possess within us. Because what use would all this knowledge, all this wisdom be to us if we cannot share it with our brothers and sisters in this world who are searching for the light? Of course, this light becomes apparent in many ways, but for it to be visible, there is nothing better than manifesting the fruits of the spirit.
If we do not manifest these fruits in our lives, then the people watching us will probably not want to listen to what we have to say. We must be what we want to teach, we must be the change we want to see in the world, we must think and act as if we are living in the age of light and life, just as Jesus did. We must strive to live as true children of God.
From a practical point of view, it is not easy to live our life every moment as a son of God and even to do His will in everything we do. It requires enormous continuous effort to remain focused on what is essential, and on what has spiritual value. By remaining alone, without being able to share our reflections or our spiritual experiences with people like us, we become spiritually exhausted and risk giving up the race and depriving ourselves of great spiritual joys.
The Urantia Association of Quebec is here to help you grow spiritually by offering you different means to achieve this. It is up to you to use these means so that together we can give back to those around us what we have so generously received.
To love is to serve