© 1995 George Horton Foster
© 1995 International Urantia Association (IUA)
By George Horton Foster
Chino Valley, Arizona, U.S.A.
The accompanying flow chart is presented to stimulate thinking and discussion among interested students of The URANTIA Book. It represents the attempt of one such student to integrate what the book seems to be stating about personality. There appears to be some inconsistencies in the text, but one must remember, first, that different authors are likely to state things differently, and second, the writers themselves admit to lack of complete understanding of the nature of personality.
The following will help explain the content of the chart, from top to bottom and left to right:
The left half of the chart represents the content of the total “self” while on Urantia. The right half represents the same after the transition of death.
Four important characteristics of personality are described. The fourth characteristic, co-ordination, is shown related to the other three parts of the total self: spirit, mind, and body.
Important aspects of Spirit are shown, and it is defined as the Thought Adjuster. It is shown progressing through the “preliminary” Urantia soul, through the transition period of death, and into the morontia soul. This depends upon fusion which is shown as happening in the morontia world, but which can happen earlier, or not at all.
The characteristics of Urantia mind are described, and the transfer of its significant spiritual content into the morontia mind is indicated at the transition period.
The Urantia body is shown as disintegrating at death, but followed by a new morontia body, which becomes progressively less material as the soul evolves.
The right half of the chart attempts to portray the continued evolution of the soul after fusion, and its increasing spiritual nature as the composition of the morontia body becomes less and less material.
The process as described in the book is very complicated and variable, and much is not understood by the authors. As a result the chart can show only a brief and limited approximation, as well as being the interpretation of a single URANTIA Book student. But it has helped this student achieve a satisfactory concept of personality, and it is hoped it will be of service to others.