© 1993 Harry Roloff
At the begin of each approaching year
We pitch new hope against old fear
“Will we have profit or loss —
Laughter, joy or sorrowful dross?”
Expectations — justified or not
Occupy much of our wishful lot.
For now, we mostly see
Disorder of a high degree
Shaking our ancient orientation
In a world-confusing situation.
Our would-be leaders —
Overwhelmed by ever-changing throes
Are barely able to look past
Their much fore-shortened nose —
Learned scholars
Who should know far better
Remain stuck, in horrendous bondage
To their beloved letter.
The order of progressive transformation
Unaccepted by this materialistic generation
Nevertheless will have to be understood
If survive we would.
Already ‘Aquarius’ — The Spirit’s Age
Has opened up his foremost page
And it is blinded eyes
Who cannot see
This final road to our delivery,
What has been preached
As “Second Coming”
Is already loudly
To penetrating rhythm
Of its birthing march.
Already we are passing through
Its painful stinging arch.
Still, many fail to see
Fulfillment of old prophecy
Don’t recognize, are unawares
Of spears pounded to plowshares.
Much less perceive that “Iron Rod”
As lesson-teacher of our GOD
Powerfully hammering away
At regressive forces
And their depressing say.
Rotten systems must be smashed to crumble
Hidden lies — exposed to stumble
Upon the greater purer NEW
Expanding our narrow view
Unto that panoramic screen
As only few till now have seen.
Step by step
Nation by nation
We must move through
Earth-shaking purification.
From race to race
And person to person
Truth will open our eyes
To recognize short-falling lies.
Her Spirit will empower
A new order to endure
And guardedly guarantee
The godly evolution
Towards our destiny.
This year will clearly bring
To antiquated concepts
A revolutionary spring
Since we exist to move ahead
Into greater clarity alive
Instead to stagnate dead.
Centuries of backward motion
Now demand a super-power-potion
And with a giant ‘quantum leap’
This generation has a pace to keep.
Therefore become aware!
And do prepare
To transform the old
And become bold
To grasp the NEW —
Which brings a greater growth to you.
As all old must die
That the young can live
We will not progress
Unless this truth we do confess.
Don’t you know the all-revealing saying:
“I make Everything NEW!”?
And to this end we must keep on praying!
—Harry Roloff, 4-1-92