© 2013 Horacio Gamboa
© 2013 Urantia Association of Spain
The Thought Adjusters | Luz y Vida — No. 35 — December 2013 — Index | Convergences and divergences: evolution |
Since my participation in the Medellín Congress, I began to listen strongly to the issue of channeling, I even had a heated change of opinion with one of the participants, since that person defended the thesis of the end of the Lucifer rebellion, that Caligastia and Daligastia they were detained and of the imminent visit to our planet of a bestowal son, an Avonal. To support this, he told me that he participated in a “select group” that received information through channeling, and that they held permanent meetings. Personally, after my deep study of The Urantia Book, I don’t believe in select groups, or select people or anything like that.
Informing me of the incidents of the Contact Commission plus the Forum, and the 20 years that Doctor Sadler was there, Lena, his wife and doctor as well, plus his secretary Emma Louis Christensen, also called Christy, who was the stenographer who wrote the questions and everything that the patient spoke, observing and studying the patient who spoke at night, plus the years that the intermediate beings took, by order of their superiors, to choose the pair of doctors, so that they could receive the fifth revelation, With all the difficulties that those of us who do not see had to face, since the translation of the universal languages, and being able to carry out spiritual, morontia and material work, I do not see anywhere possible that today a group of human beings have more information than any deep reader of this revelation.
In the December 2012 Journal, there is a paper presented by Chuck Thurston from the US, from which I am going to draw conclusions that he comes to, which I fully agree with and which I will share with you. I begin by saying, like him, that those of us who hold this revelation to be the best final authority on this matter must do everything possible to work towards a common understanding. They, the authors of the book, make it very clearly established that both Caligastia and Daligastia are going to be on the planet for many more years, they flatly reject the judgment against them, and the final sentence will not come until all compassion reaches its purpose, including the human realm. If this rebel of the universe, who is against the reality of truth and goodness, acknowledges in his heart the justice of his sentence but refuses to confess it, then the sentence must be deferred in accordance with the mandates of the Elders. of Days, who refuse to annihilate a being as long as all moral values and all spiritual realities have not been extinguished, both in the criminal and in his followers and sympathizers.
They, the administrators of these universes, know and are fully aware of the problems that this entails, but giving a summary term to the rebellion would be even more problematic for the future time, and abolishing free will would cause even greater difficulties.
On Jerusem an emergency committee of ex-mortals composed of Mighty Messengers, Glorified Mortals, who had had experience in similar situations, was organized and together with their peers informed Gabriel that if he attempted summary or arbitrary methods of repression, at least a number of three times larger, it would go astray. Paper 54 p. 618 (The wisdom of waiting).
Rebellion against God is a very serious matter, and the book refers to it “AS AN ORGY OF DARKNESS AND DEATH.” It seems to me a very adequate description of what happens here. One of the most horrible things that Caligastia promoted was the deliberate and premeditated poisoning of the teachings and instruction that was being given in all the planetary schools.
We have clear and precise information of the problems that Caligastia caused Van and Amadon to prevent the success of the First Garden; He opposed the Adamic mission to the point of involving Eve in a bad action and half achieving his goal. He did what he could so that the mission of our Son of Man and Son of God, our father and brother, Christ Michael, would fail. This struggle did not end with the death of Jesus, and he will do everything in his power to see that this fifth revelation here on Urantia also fails.
We must not forget the great training that Caligastia and his family received before coming as a Planetary Prince, and the one that Lanonandec had in all human aspects. And those human aspects that he knows so much (ambitions, emotions, reactions, egos, envy, etc.) today play against us. No longer our Planetary Prince, but still a 200,000 year Lanonandek Son of superhuman brilliance.
Since Pentecost, humans have been protected by our Thought Adjusters and by the Spirit of Truth, but that does not mean that Caligastia does not try to influence by other means. They also tell us that HE HAS REMAINED RELATIVELY POWERLESS SINCE THE CROSS OF CHRIST. The revelators use the word RELATIVELY, and that means that their influence in some respects is fully in force.
Its influence is impossible to act on the sanctity of the human will; faith and our Adjusters are guaranteed to keep them at a distance. Even before the coming of Miguel, neither Caligastia nor his minions could do anything against the human will. Faith is effective armor against sin and iniquity.
We know that Adjusters can abandon their human subjects, even on this earth, if they deny the reality of truth and definitively embrace sin and iniquity. Caligastia would have no problem associating with a being forsaken by their Adjuster, especially if they want to be cursed by their evil presence. An audience with Caligastia could be a reward for consciously rejecting survival in this lifetime. We have plenty of examples.
Individuals abandoned by their Adjusters can continue to work, even in positions of power and influence, acting as human proxy for Caligastia, and unlike him, these abandoned humans can work with humans with their Adjuster. Human rebels may be spiritually dead and can still wield tremendous influence over human affairs for the duration of their mortal existence.
He is surely very astute in selecting humans of superior intelligence who are willing to break away from their Adjusters, turn their backs on God, and join the rebellion. Turning your back on God, you could almost say it’s all the rage these days. That small group could be the one that made the link with the largest number of humans. Be careful, surely the secret would be the key to carry out his perverse intentions, and humans like secrets a lot and belong to secret groups and he knows it, because he has been knowing humans for thousands of years. In addition to these direct methods of influence, they also warn us about Caligastia’s ability to work with “BLIND AGENTS,” sincere individuals who believe they are doing the right thing, like Serapatatia. Serapatatia was completely correct, honest and competent, sincere in all his activities, and was never aware, even afterwards, that the cunning Caligastia was using him as a side tool. Therefore, you have to be very shrewd and alert so as not to fall into a trap of this stubborn character, who has to be impressive, bright and powerful. ASTUTE AS SNAKES AND HARMLESS AS DOVES.
“Caligastia, your apostate Planetary Prince, is still free on Urantia” (UB 53:8.6)
In order to keep the doors of the ascension to Paradise open to the beings of Norlatiadec, it was necessary to facilitate the full development of the rebellion, and ensure the full definition of the attitude of all the beings involved in it in some way. “Full Definition of Attitude” leaves no room for nuances. “All beings involved in any way in it” would again include all mortals, present and future.
The rebellion is fully settled in superhuman terms, but not in the mortal realm. A superhuman administration is established that wisely administers these worlds, but this does not imply the change of human thought or human sympathies. A deity or authority of the universe will never interfere with human free will. Therefore, the human participation in the rebellion has the option of expressing itself without restrictions, even if in the superhuman aspects there is a new administration.
How long will it be before sin and wickedness are no longer found on Urantia?
This passage suggests 100,000 years of our time: And yet that would be nearer a comparison with the length of Lucifer’s life even if his adjudication, now begun, should not be completed for a hundred thousand Urantia years… UB 54:5.13
The following two passages, when combined, suggest 800,000 years:
The entire Uversa corps of counselors concurred in advising Gabriel to permit the rebellion to take its full and natural course, even if it should require a million years to wind up the consequences. (UB 54:5.12)
. . .the case of Gabriel vs. Lucifer, placed on the records of the Uversa supreme court almost two hundred thousand years ago, as you reckon time. (UB 53:9.3)
1,000,000 years (total time estimate) minus 200,000 years (time elapsed so far) = 800,000 years.
In other words: it will be a long time, our 800,000 years, and universal, before we see the final sentence of the Lucifer rebellion. In the meantime, the “INCREASINGLY BENEFICIAL RESULTS” of allowing Caligastia to remain on the planet far outweigh any short-term advantage we could gain by arbitrarily or summarily removing it, prior to the final outcome of these problems.
Urantia will finally achieve the era of light and life, as Deity ordained and planned, despite having had a stubborn Planetary Prince who followed in the footsteps of a rebel even greater than himself. But from this planet will come beings tested in rebellion, tested in spiritual isolation for having lived in the presence of a rebellion like the one we are involved in right now. We are inoculated against future rebellions, and millions of Urantians will carry this invaluable experience with them for all their lives in eternity.
I hope I have clarified the issue of channeling from my point of view, plus the information provided by Chuck Thurston in the Journal magazine, and that it helps them to question the claims of some humans who claim to channel, be careful , because in the shadow of the teachings of the Fifth Revelation, they would not be more than illusionists, liars in search of innocent unwary.
Horacio Gamboa Verdugo
Puerto Varas, Chilean Patagonia.
The Thought Adjusters | Luz y Vida — No. 35 — December 2013 — Index | Convergences and divergences: evolution |