© 2017 International Urantia Association (IUA)
The Association’s 2016 Annual Report is now ready for you to review and download from our website at: https://urantia-association.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/UA_AR2016_Final.pdf.
(You can also find this PDF by going to https://urantia-association.org/about-uai/governance-policies and scroll down to find the Annual reports.)
The Association’s Home Page of the website has been revised to reflect the social nature of our organization. Some colour and style changes on the secondary pages have also been revised. Check it out at: https://urantia-association.org.
The Association’s website now has a Topical Index for articles. This index is generated by certain subject categories that have been assigned to the various articles and announcements that have been posted to our website.
The index should assist students to find study aid materials, historical information, presentations from various conference events, announcements, personal testimonies etc. Check it out at: https://urantia-association.org/topical-index-of-articles.
Please feel free to send us any comments or suggestions you may have to help us improve this service. You can send you comments to us online via: https://urantia-association.org/about-uai/contact-us.
The Association’s Information brochure has been revised and is now available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Ukrainian and Russian. This brochure is an excellent tool for introducing the Association to interested students of The Urantia Book who may be interested in our service projects and joining the membership. It is a double-sided 3-panel colour brochure that can be downloaded and printed. It may be useful to have a supply on hand at Association conferences and other similar Urantia events.
The brochures are now available on our website on these links below:
English: http://urantia-association.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/AssocBroch_en.pdf
French: https://urantia-association.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/AssocBroch_french-1.pdf
Spanish: https://urantia-association.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/AssocBroch_spanish.pdf
Portuguese: https://urantia-association.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/AssocBroch_portuguese.pdf
Ukrainian: https://urantia-association.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/What-is-UAI-ukrainian.pdf
Russian: https://urantia-association.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/What-is-UAI-russian.pdf
(You can also find the PDF by going to: https://urantia-association.org/about-uai/governance-policies and scroll down to find the Information Brochure.)