© 2016 Jaime Marco
© 2016 Urantia Association of Spain
Chronicle of the XV Meeting | Luz y Vida — No. 44 — June 2016 — Index | The aids of the ascension career: internal and physical/material |
The ascension race is, for me, one of the most motivating, transforming and hopeful contributions of all those contained in the 5th Epochal Revelation. Undoubtedly, once it is known and believed in, the perspective of life changes completely.
In creation there will be a multitude of ascension races for each type of creature. Ours has been revealed to us: “The Ascension Career of Adjuster-Fuse Mortals.” We have given it the pseudonym “The Way Home” because we believe that Paradise is our home from which we depart, as personalities, to be born in the worlds of time and space with the objective of creating, together with our Adjuster, a soul, when making our first moral decision and through the ascension race, return home converted into finaliters following the Father’s mandate: “Be perfect as I am perfect”. It is an adventure, the great adventure of mortals towards the Center of All Things.
The ascension career has a physical connotation that would be the path and a formational connotation that would be the ascension plan. The path is the stage and the plan is the work to be done.
So let’s get to know the stage, The Creation. Let’s locate ourselves!!. Let’s do Urantia cosmography. Let’s place ourselves in the Center of Creation and take a trip outwards. For this we will help ourselves with four impressive illustrations by Gary Tonge on the four parts into which Creation is divided. These illustrations are a recreation, an interpretation of the author following the inspiration of the 5th Epochal Revelation. We will identify in them the elements and details exposed in it.
The Absolute Center of Creation is the Eternal Island of Paradise. It is surrounded by the 7 Worlds of the Father, a second ring with the 7 Worlds of the Son and a third ring with the 7 Worlds of the Spirit.
The Eternal Central Universe, formed by the Isle of Paradise and the Universe of Havona. In the illustration we can observe the seven concentric rings of Havona surrounding the Island of Paradise and where a BILLION WORLDS are distributed. The Eternal Central Universe is also called the Paradise-Havona System
The Grand Universe is made up of the Eternal Central Universe and the Seven Superuniverses. The illustration shows the Eternal Central Universe surrounded by the Seven Super Universes. We can assume that the seven brightest points on the gigantic wheel are the capitals of the superuniverses. It’s just an interpretation, everyone can make their own.
Finally, in this illustration he shows us the four gigantic wheels of universes in formation surrounding the Grand Universe. The whole set forms the Master Universe. These four wheels are uninhabited, for the moment. Perhaps that is why they are called outer space. Outside what? Well, the Great Universe, which is full of life. We are going to focus on it because our physical path runs in the Great Universe.
All of Creation may seem like a shapeless mass of matter revolving and moving around the Stationary Island of Paradise, but there is an organization, an administrative organization that allows the management of such vast domains.
It has a hierarchical structure in the form of a tree that goes from the smallest leaves, the evolutionary worlds, to the common trunk, El Paraíso. In this tree we distinguish seven levels of branches, continuing with the simile. To understand this organization we will rely on the following graph that shows us, in summary, the structure and numbers of the Grand Universe.
Thus, starting from the Paradise-Havona System, the numbers of the Grand Universe are:
To all this creation we must add the 1,000 million Havona Worlds and 500,000 million architectural spheres.
Each organizational unit is perfectly identified in the Creation, either by its name and location of belonging, for example:
Urantia is the 606 evolutionary world of Satania, Norlatiadek system 24, Nebadon constellation 70, Ensa local universe 84, Splandon minor sector 3, Orvonton major sector 5, seventh superuniverse.
Or by its number: Urantia is the world 5,342,482,337,666.
For those who like coincidences, look at the last three digits of the Urantia number… evocative, right?
Very well, for traversing the level tree from Urantia to Paradise marks our physical path home. We have always talked about going up to heaven, going up to Paradise, but if you realize the path is from the outside in.
We have already seen that each organizational unit has a name, a number, and a location. They also have a capital, a headquarters made up of a set, variable in number and arrangement, of architectural spheres, which are our way points on the way home.
As we walk the path, there is also a transformation that happens to us because we are born on Urantia as material mortal beings and we will arrive in Paradise transformed into 5th order spirits.
In the image we can see a correspondence between the different stages of the physical path and our state of being.
We go through three phases: Material, Morontia and Spiritual.
We depart from Urantia, in the material phase, and until death befalls us, we are Planetary Mortals.
When we die we pass into the Morontia phase and we remain there until we leave Salvington, the capital of Nebadon, our local universe, after passing through 570 body changes (8 in the system, 71 in the constellation, and 491 during our stay in the Salvington spheres), in order to pass from the very material-like morontia state to the very spiritual-like morontia state.
If when we die we go through the sleep of death we are classified as Sleeping Survivors (UB 30:4.11). Once we are resurrected, either from the state of sleeping Survivors or on the third day of death, we pass to the Mansion Worlds of Satania, our System, and we have the status of Students of the Mansion Worlds (UB 30:4.14 ).
Since we arrived in Jerusem, the capital of Satania, as well as passing through Edentia, capital of Norlatiadek, our constellation, and in Salvington, we are Morontia Progressors (UB 30:4.18).
We left Salvington as first degree spirits, beginning the spiritual phase as Superuniverse Wards (UB 30:4.22); when we start from Umenor the 3rd, capital of Ensa, our minor sector, we advance to spirits of second grade and from Umayor the 5th, capital Splandon, our major sector, we start as spirits of third grade to complete our formation as Wards of the Superuniverse in Uversa, capital of Orvonton, our superuniverse.
Upon reaching Havona we become Havona Pilgrims (UB 30:4.26) and after reaching the sixth circle we reach the state of spirits of fourth degree.
When we leave Havona, we reach the state of Those who reach Paradise (UB 30:4.31) and when we reach the Father we acquire the spiritual fifth degree.
We achieve the sixth degree by taking the finality oath before the Trinity.
We are missing the seventh grade spiritual, when will we get it? These are only conjectures by the revelators, but it seems that it has to do with our destiny as finaliters, which we will expose later.
All the capitals and associated worlds of the organizational units of creation are, for us, immense universities where we are being instructed and prepared for our final destiny. They are magnificently endowed physically, morontia, and spiritually, and with adequate governmental, educational, and maintenance personnel. Following are the capitals of the Orvonton superuniverse organizational units, their schematic structures, and a brief description of the training objectives we received. in each one.
Jerusem, the headquarters of your local system of Satania, has its seven worlds of transition culture, each of which is encircled by seven satellites, among which are the seven mansion worlds of morontia detention, man’s first postmortal residence. As the term heaven has been used on Urantia, it has sometimes meant these seven mansion worlds, the first mansion world being denominated the first heaven, and so on to the seventh. (UB 15:7.5)
Edentia, . . . has its seventy satellites of socializing culture and training, . . . (UB 15:7.6)
Salvington, . . . is surrounded by ten university clusters of forty-nine spheres each. Hereon is man spiritualized following his constellation socialization. (UB 15:7.7)
Uminor the third, . . . is surrounded by the seven spheres of the higher physical studies of the ascendant life. (UB 15:7.8)
Umajor the fifth, . . . is surrounded by the seventy spheres of the advancing intellectual training of the superuniverse. (UB 15:7.9)
Uversa, . . . the seven higher universities of advanced spiritual training for ascending will creatures. Each of these seven clusters of wonder spheres consists of seventy specialized worlds containing thousands upon thousands of replete institutions and organizations devoted to universe training and spirit culture wherein the pilgrims of time are re-educated and re-examined preparatory to their long flight to Havona. (UB 15:7.10)
In the superuniverse we receive training in a group. Once we graduate from Edentia we prepare for the jump to Havona. A jump that we do alone, because from here our personal and therefore individual training begins.
UB 14:5.4 We are spirits of the 4th degree when we arrive in Havona and of the 5th degree when we arrive in Paradise. For this we have had to go through a billion worlds divided into 7 circles where, from circle to circle, we have had to reach the Master Spirit of our superuniverse (7), reach Supremacy (6), reach Deity, Infinite Spirit ( 5), Eternal Son (4) and the Father (3), reach the inhabitants of Paradise (2) and achieve admission to Paradise (1).
Once in Paradise, we take an oath before the Trinity that allows us to enter the Body of the Finality, reaching the 6th spiritual degree.
Paradise is the home, and Havona the workshop and playground, of the finaliters. And every God-knowing mortal craves to be a finaliter. (UB 14:6.39)
Evolutionary mortals are born on the planets of space, pass through the morontia worlds, ascend the spirit universes, traverse the Havona spheres, find God, attain Paradise, and are mustered into the primary Corps of the Finality, therein to await the next assignment of universe service. There are six other assembling finality corps, but Grandfanda, the first mortal ascender, presides as Paradise chief of all orders of finaliters. And as we view this sublime spectacle, we all exclaim: What a glorious destiny for the animal-origin children of time, the material sons of space! (UB 31:10.20)
We deem that human beings are entitled to share our opinions, and that you are free to conjecture with us respecting the mystery of the ultimate destiny of the Paradise Corps of Finality. It seems evident to us that the present assignments of the perfected evolutionary creatures partake of the nature of postgraduate courses in universe understanding and superuniverse administration; and we all ask, “Why should the Gods be so concerned in so thoroughly training surviving mortals in the technique of universe management?” (UB 31:3.8)
These six groups of glorified beings compose this unique body of eternal destiny. We think we know their future work, but we are not certain. While the Corps of the Mortal Finality is mobilizing on Paradise, and while they now so extensively minister to the universes of space and administer the worlds settled in light and life, their future destination must be the now-organizing universes of outer space. At least that is the conjecture of Uversa. (UB 31:0.8)
Chronicle of the XV Meeting | Luz y Vida — No. 44 — June 2016 — Index | The aids of the ascension career: internal and physical/material |