© 2024 Jaime Marco
© 2024 Urantia Association of Spain
Luz y Vida — May 2024 — Editorial | Luz y Vida — May 2024 | Urantia Questionnaire: Luis Alfonso Rojas Rosillo |
You will agree with me that it is very difficult to choose one paragraph. There are so many and so loaded with wisdom and revelation. So many that open up new perspectives on the Deity, Jesus, our planet, creation, etc.
However, I bring you the following paragraph:
The transcripts of the mortal mind and the active configurations of the creature’s memory, as transformed from the material to the spiritual levels, are the individual property of the separated Thought Adjusters; these spiritualized factors of the creature’s mind, memory, and personality are forever a part of those Adjusters. The creature’s mind matrix and the passive potentials of its identity are present in the morontia soul entrusted to the care of the seraphic guardians of destiny. It is the reunion of the morontia soul entrusted to the seraphim and the spiritual mind entrusted to the Adjuster that reassembles the creature’s personality and constitutes the resurrection of a sleeping survivor. UB 47:3.3
I chose it because it was the one that made me change my concept about the soul.
Educated as I was in the Catholic faith, I always had the concept of the soul as an ethereal double of oneself; it was what truly housed life because its absence implied death. When one was born and lived it was because one had a soul, then one had to make one a child of God through baptism and when one died it was because one’s soul abandoned one.
The fact that it had human form, continued life after death and was autonomous justified all the ghost stories and paranormal phenomena associated with deceased people (visits, messages, movements of objects, etc.).
When I understood from other paragraphs (UB 47:3.7) that from the time we die until we are resurrected, the human being gains absolutely nothing and (UB 112:5.13) that we are totally unconscious between death and resurrection. I asked myself why? What is the soul then? This paragraph that I bring you revealed it to me: it is our mental matrix along with all of our potentials that we have not yet manifested.
To me the soul is something. Something that, properly inserted into a living system (a new mind), will be able to give meaning to the information appropriated by the Adjuster and made available in repersonalization so that the mortal can survive if he has so decided and is worthy of it, it is his morontial self.
But without a living system the soul is just something. Something with the potential to be someone.
Having acquired this new concept, it was easy for me to understand when the soul is abandoned by the Adjuster in those who fuse with the spirit (UB 40:9.4-6), or how the guardian seraphim can be in charge of 1000 souls or the repersonalization process of the resurrection archangels, our guardian seraphim and the Adjuster (UB 112:3.5 and UB 112:5.19); and above all, it has allowed me to dismantle all those mental scaffoldings that gave rise to superstition and belief in ghosts and paranormal phenomena regarding deceased people.
So what to do with the amount of testimonies and experiences expressed by millions of people in this world in this regard? I think that all the testimonies expressed from honesty and integrity are true and have been experienced as such by their protagonists, but their origin, their nature, must be found in other causes.
Luz y Vida — May 2024 — Editorial | Luz y Vida — May 2024 | Urantia Questionnaire: Luis Alfonso Rojas Rosillo |