© 2012 Jaime Marco
© 2012 Urantia Association of Spain
Convergences and Divergences: The Standard Model | Luz y Vida — No. 31 — December 2012 — Index | The light is in you |
Dear readers:
I invite you to the following reflection that I was thinking about this afternoon and I have decided to share it with all of you. Obviously, with the right to reply.
If we look at events over tens of thousands of years on this planet, we probably doubt that there is any hope of peace on our beloved Urantia. However, like you, I also believe in the final triumph of the Father’s will. Therefore, I am also going to say that there is hope of achieving harmony on our planet. It is useless to continue to blame this lack of peace on the sins of Lucifer, Caligastia, or the lack of Adam and Eve. Their folly and error certainly affected normal planetary development, but it also blessed them with the supreme bestowal of our Creator Son, Christ Michael, who made Urantia so special in all of Nebadon. In fact, due to this bestowal, the benefits accrued to humans on this planet have far exceeded the losses attributed to the Lucifer Rebellion. Yes, when sin abounded, mercy and love abounded to a greater extent.
We would all like to write a message that would encourage people to have a hope for Peace on Urantia. Pacifist arguments are not enough. Truth, mutual understanding, a strong commitment to dialogue and a willingness to be condescending are keys to achieving peace between nations. However, only the Brotherhood of Men will bring Peace on Earth, and it will only come true when the majority of men and women on Urantia realize the Fatherhood of God that we share. As long as individuals see any stranger as an enemy, as religions kill for their tenets, and as nations seek supremacy, ‘Peace on earth’ will remain mere words in songs, poetry and fables.
Peace must begin with the individual. First of all, we must pacify ourselves by reconciling, as best we can, the two opposing natures of the animal and the spiritual within us. The evolutionary religions will tell us that it is impossible, but if it were so, the most beautifully balanced personality of Jesus of Nazareth could never have expressed itself on Urantia. His life is proof that we, too, can balance those opposing natures. When the individual finds inner peace, which cannot be achieved without doing the will of God, it will be easier for humanity to abandon this foolish belligerence towards other human beings, by shielding the being against the hatred of others, to through an attitude of love and understanding.
If only our moral state could advance as fast as our technological achievements! Although we have left behind the moral and spiritual torpor of the Middle Ages, we still have a lot of progress to make to be worthy of earning the status of being a “civilized race.” Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts. It takes time to change ourselves, we need time to convince others, and we need a lot of time to change the world. Its progress towards peace is certainly slow, but hopefully it is going in the right direction, as long as true religions retain their essential value in our development process. Yes, there is hope for peace on Urantia, but much personal work must be done for this wish to begin to come true.
Convergences and Divergences: The Standard Model | Luz y Vida — No. 31 — December 2012 — Index | The light is in you |