© 2023 James Perry
© 2023 The Urantia Book Fellowship
by Dr. James Perry
Currently I am serving as vice president of the Virginia Carolina Readers, and a member of Urantia Association International’s (UAI’s) leadership council. I have observed the participation levels across Urantia Association United States associations, currently comprising only six active entities, including the Virginia Carolina Readers. In other words, there are only six local associations of Urantia Association United States that are currently participating in the Council of Local Vice Presidents and Presidents.
A pattern has emerged, suggesting a challenge: the difficulty in adequately filling the necessary roles within these associations. This might stem from a perceptible lack of prioritization amongst the readership.
Organizations often are founded with immense enthusiasm and lofty expectations. However, we notice a tendency where, after several years, leadership wanes and interest diminishes. The core objective of these associations is to establish a secure environment for truth seekers, providing a platform to study and explore with like-minded individuals.
The Urantia Book attracts some people due to the beauty of its language and the engaging nature of its topics. Topical studies, such as those on Adam and Eve, angels, and John the Baptist, captivate many due to their biblical references. However, proponents often encounter resistance when sharing these teachings, realizing that dissemination doesn’t always elicit a receptive response.
Revealing the nature and character of the Father extends beyond the book itself. In fact, I’ve shared the book successfully with only two others in my life: my wife, Marion, and spiritual sister, Voyette. It is our attitude towards being citizens of the universe and our genuine efforts to embody the truths we’ve discovered that become the real message. Even for those uninterested in The Urantia Book, living it becomes a testament and a revelation of its teachings, potentially prompting these people to explore it further over time and internalize its meanings and values.
Over time, even without conscious recognition of The Urantia Book, individuals may embody its teachings, transforming themselves and, by extension, others through a similar process. This underscores that the essence lies not just in the book but in each believer desiring to manifest the nature and character of the Father through his son, Jesus. The text serves as a guide to make us aware that we are universe citizens, and to help us understand how the universe works.
It is imperative for us all to reflect on our reasons for engaging with and studying this revelation. When we embrace its truths by living them, we will desire to be of service, and the challenge of filling critical organizational roles will be addressed. Until such a time, we will continue to be burdened by few spiritual workers while the harvest remains plentiful.
You can do important work if you do not become self-important; you can do several things as easily as one if you leave yourself out. (UB 48:6.37)