© 2023 Jean Lapierre
© 2023 Urantia Association of Quebec
Jean Lapierre
Hello everyone,
Justice and judgment are important acts in our superuniverse and this is how the Ancients of Days surrounded themselves to apply the just judgment of equity.
SUB-CLASSIFICATION: The 3rd of the Supreme Personalities of the Trinity
PROGENY OF: The Paradise Trinity
FUNCTIONAL AREA: The Seven Superuniverses
POPULATION: 21, stationary
The Urantia Book: Paper 18:3 and see below.
Are the rulers of the seven superuniverses UB 15:0.2; the second phase of God the Sevenfold UB 55:4.13; each superuniverse is governed by three Ancients of Days UB 15:10.3; they are apparently the supreme rulers of the superuniverses, but they have not earned this right of rule by experience; they are therefore destined to be superseded some day by the Supreme Being, the experiential sovereign of whom they will undoubtedly become the vicegerents UB 18:3.8; only the Ancients of Days can pronounce binding judgment on matters of eternal life and death; in all matters not requiring appearance or the giving of evidence, the Ancients of Days or their associates render their decisions, and their orders are always unanimous UB 15:11.3; they refuse to annihilate a being until all moral values and spiritual realities are extinguished both in the author of evil and in all his possible supporters and sympathizers UB 54:3.3; the three Ancients of Days must participate in the final judgments of the supreme tribunal of a superuniverse (in all the annals of the superuniverses there has never been such a verdict overturned) UB 19:3.4; in matters of power, scope of authority, and limits of jurisdiction, the Ancients of Days are the strongest and most powerful of all the direct rulers of the time-space creations UB 18:3.7; they were all trinitized at the same time, they represent the inauguration of records concerning personalities in the universe of universes, hence their name — the Ancients of Days UB 18:3.4; they are all fundamentally identical; they emphasize the combined character and the unified nature of the Trinity; they possess individuality and their personalities are diverse, but they do not differ from one another as the Seven Master Spirits UB 18:3.2; the Seven Master Spirits determine in heaven the nature of their respective superuniverses, but the Ancients of Days lay down the law in the administration of these same superuniverses; they superimpose administrative uniformity upon creative diversity and insure the harmony of the whole in the face of the underlying creative differences in the seven segmental groupings of the grand universe UB 18:3.3; they know the Father’s will perfectly by deduction, by balancing the vocal flash of the Spirit from above with the vocal flashes of the Michaels from below UB 28:4.10; they alone can decree the annihilation of intelligent life; they participate in the creation of the Life Carriers who are charged with the establishment of physical life on the evolving worlds UB 36:1.1; they play a role in the establishment of life on a new world, but we are completely ignorant of their nature UB 36:6.7.
SUB-CLASSIFICATION: The 2nd of the Coordinated Beings of Trinitarian origin
PROGENY OF: The Paradise Trinity
FUNCTIONAL DOMAIN: The Governments of the Superuniverses
POPULATION: 1 billion, stationary
The Urantia Book: Paper 19-2 and see below.
They personify the wisdom of divinity in the superuniverses; they are entirely occupied with the administration of the superuniverse governments UB 19:2.2; wisdom is of dual origin: it is derived from the perfection of divine clairvoyance inherent in perfect beings and from the personal experience acquired by evolutionary creatures; the Perfectors of Wisdom are the divine, perfect, Paradise wisdom of Deity clairvoyance; wherever and whenever a Perfector of Wisdom functions, divine wisdom also functions; they do not reflect the wisdom of the Paradise Trinity; they are that wisdom UB 19:2.3; they so function that they not only hear the actual and original expressions of that wisdom but also reflectively see the very beings, of high or low origin, who have expressed it; “If any man lack wisdom, let him ask” UB 28:5.8.
SUB-CLASSIFICATION: The 3rd of the Coordinated Beings of Trinitarian origin
PROGENY OF: The Paradise Trinity
FUNCTIONAL DOMAIN: Major and Minor Sectors, Constellations, and Local Universes
POPULATION: 21 billion, stationary
The Urantia Book: Paper 19-3 and see below.
They are the council of Deity for the realms of the seven superuniverses; they are not the reflection of the divine Trinity council; they are that council; there are twenty-one billion Counselors in service, three billion of whom are assigned to each UB 19:2.3 superuniverse; they act as individuals but also function as a trio when circumstances demand; a Perfector of Wisdom, seven Divine Counselors, and a Universal Censor constitute a tribunal of trinitarian divinity, the highest mobile advisory body in the universes of time and space; these groups of nine are known as tribunals of either fact-finding or truth-revealing, and when they decide a problem, it is just as if an Ancient of Days had pronounced the case, for in all the annals of the superuniverses never has such a verdict been overturned by the Ancients of Days; seven Divine Counselors in liaison with a trinitized evolutionary trio—a Mighty Messenger, one High in Authority, and one Devoid of Name and Number—represent the best superuniverse approximation to the fusion of human viewpoint and divine attitude on the near-Paradise levels of spiritual meanings and reality values; such a close approach to the unified cosmic attitudes of creature and Creator is surpassed only by the Paradise bestowal Sons, who are God and man in all phases of personality experience UB 19:3.7.
SUB-CLASSIFICATION: The 4th of the Coordinated Beings of Trinitarian origin
PROGENY OF: The Paradise Trinity
POPULATION: 8 billion, stationary
The Urantia Book: Paper 19-4 and see below.
They represent that collective attitude of Deity in the realms of binding judgment — justice UB 10:6.16; these unique beings are the judgment of Deity; they do not merely reflect the decisions of perfection; they are the judgment of the Paradise Trinity; even the Ancients of Days judge only in association with the Universal Censors UB 19:3.4; wherever and whenever a Universal Censor is present, the judgment of Deity is also there; they are an organic part of all dispensational judgments on the evolutionary worlds; it seems to me (a Divine Counselor) that the Censors formulate new meanings and give birth to new values by associating the facts, truths, and findings presented to them in the course of an investigation of universe affairs; it seems probable that the Universal Censors are able to give original interpretations by combining the perfect insight of the Creator with the experience of perfected creatures; this combination of Paradise perfection and universe experience undoubtedly brings out a new value of ultimacy; it seems probable that the Censors are in some way connected with the Deity Absolute UB 19:4.6; in a way not fully comprehended, the Universal Censors are able to come into possession of a summary of human life as embodied in the duplicate Adjuster transcription of the spirit values and morontia meanings of the indwelling mind; The Censors have the power to appropriate the Adjuster’s version of the survival character and spiritual qualities of the deceased human, and all of this data, together with the seraphic records, is available for presentation at the time of the judgment of the individual concerned UB 112:4.2.
These three groups act respectively in the attitude of wisdom, the attitude of deity and in the attitude of judgment.
SUB-CLASSIFICATION: 1st of the Trinitized Sons of Achievement
FUNCTIONAL DOMAIN: The Superuniverses
POPULATION: One billion commissioned on Uversa; same number for the other superuniverses
The Urantia Book: Paper 22-2 and see below.
The Mighty Messengers belong to the ascending group of Trinitized Sons; they are a class of perfected mortals who have been tested as rebels; at some time in their Paradise ascension they have stood firm and loyal in the face of the disloyalty of their superiors, and a few have acted actively and loyally in the stead of these unfaithful leaders; they are assigned to all phases of superuniverse activity UB 22:2.2; they are not finaliters; when embraced by the Trinity, they pass through special training courses for comparatively short periods; thereafter they are assigned to the service of the Ancients of Days in the seven UB 22:1.10 superuniverses; in the superuniverse tribunals the Mighty Messengers act as advocates both for individuals and for planets appearing for judgment; every ascending mortal who has undergone an insurrectional experience and acted loyally in the face of rebellion is ultimately destined to become a Mighty Messenger of superuniverse service; and so it is with every ascending creature who actually prevents these uprisings of error, evil, or sin, for action designed to prevent rebellion or to produce higher types of loyalty in a universal crisis is regarded as of even greater value than mere loyalty in the face of actual rebellion UB 22:2.3; the Mighty Messengers are fully conscious of their entire ascending career, and that is why they are such useful and compassionate ministers, such understanding messengers, for service on any world of space and to any creature of time UB 22:2.9; the Mighty Messengers who have been embraced by the Trinity have no part in the unfolding of the present universe age; their status is fixed by the embrace of the Trinity, and their experience has ceased to result in UB 117:2.4 growth.
SUB-CLASSIFICATION: The 2nd of the Trinitized Sons of Achievement
FUNCTIONAL DOMAIN: The Superuniverses
POPULATION: Over 10 billion are currently commissioned in Orvonton
The Urantia Book: Paper 22-3 and see below.
They are the perfected mortals who have manifested superior administrative abilities and displayed extraordinary executive genius throughout their long ascension careers; they are the flower of governmental abilities derived from the surviving mortals of space; endowed with magnificent administrative wisdom and exceptional executive ability, these brilliant beings undertake the task of presenting the cause of justice on behalf of the superuniverse tribunals; they see to the execution of justice and the rectification of maladjustments in the evolutionary universes; therefore, should you ever be cited for errors of judgment during your ascension of the worlds and spheres of the cosmic progression of your destiny, there is little chance that you will suffer injustice; indeed, your accusers will have once been ascending creatures personally acquainted with every stage of the career through which you have traversed and are now traversing UB 22:1.10; they are not finaliters; When embraced by the Trinity, they pass through special training courses for comparatively short periods; after which they are assigned to the service of the Ancients of Days in the seven superuniverses UB 22:1.10
SUB-CLASSIFICATION: The 3rd of the Trinitized Sons of Attainment
FUNCTIONAL DOMAIN: The Superuniverses
POPULATION: More than 100 million registered without Orvonton
The Urantia Book: Paper 22-4 and see below.
They are the ascending souls who have developed a capacity for worship surpassing in skill that of all the sons and daughters of the evolutionary races of the worlds of time and space. They have acquired a spiritual concept of the eternal purpose of the Universal Father in a manner which, by comparison, transcends the comprehension of evolutionary creatures of name and number; hence they are called the Nameless and Numberless; a more strict rendering of their appellation would be “Those who have transcended Name and Number” UB 22:4.1; they are not finaliters; when embraced by the Trinity, they pass through special training courses for comparatively short periods; thereafter they are assigned to the service of the Ancients of Days in the seven superuniverses UB 22:1.10; since the Nameless and Numberless are the superior spiritual thinkers of the surviving races, they are specially qualified to judge and to formulate opinions when a spiritual point of view is desirable and the experience of the ascension career is essential to a proper understanding of the questions involved in the problem to be judged; they are the supreme jurors of Orvonton UB 22:4.3.
These three groups, the Mighty Messengers, the High in Authority, and the Nameless and Numberless who have been trinitized by the Paradise Trinity have demonstrated a special experiential attitude to faithfulness, administration, and worship, respectively.
In conclusion, the application of fairness of judgment with such an organization is flawless and perfect because it takes into account all dimensions of a situation to be judged. We should take inspiration from the Ancients of Days when we have to judge a situation ourselves on our scale, that is to say, consider all the variables. Also, let us not forget this: UB 16:6.4there exists, in all personality associations of the cosmic mind, a quality that could be called “reality sensitivity”. It is this universal cosmic endowment of creatures endowed with will that prevents them from succumbing as helpless victims to the a priori affirmations issued by science, philosophy and religion (I add: the media, journalists, politicians, etc.). This reality sensitivity of the cosmic mind responds to certain phases of reality exactly as energy-matter responds to gravity. It would be even more correct to say that these supramaterial realities react in this way to the mind of the cosmos.