© 2024 Jean Lapierre
© 2024 Urantia Association of Quebec
Being born again is about the inner life and it is a process of unification that gives us access to the divine Spirit that dwells within us. This inner revolution is always in progress and is highly personal to the person who experiences it.
Faith is paramount in this experience and the new meanings experienced are integrated into the experience of the one experiencing. This experience does not come through the senses, but through feeling. The Adjuster must, however, depend on the mind to express and realize himself. But, the individual has experienced this spiritual level reality in his soul and it is this experience that his consciousness feels instantly. This spiritual feeling becomes the proof of the believer having faith and this process becomes more intense with time but can never be brought as proof to his peers, because it is independent of any external reference.
Being born again is an act of will that commits the whole individual to doing the divine will. It is a continual process that is fostered by the Spirit of Truth: in other words, our will to do the will of God who dwells in us is guided by this Spirit, which is that of Michael who dwells in us and whom we willingly accept. Jesus said about this Spirit that he promised to send after his departure (this actually happened at Pentecost) that he is the way, the truth and the life. It is therefore a living process and not dogmatized and sclerotic: a truth in evolution that concerns each individual according to his journey. Faith thus gives access to this transcended level of understanding of these phenomena that take place in our interior life and that are always growing and evolving. To achieve this, there is no need for temples, hierarchy and rituals; only a transforming faith, an act of trust that releases our spiritual endowments within us and allows and lets God operate through us
Jesus told Nicodemus that one had to be born again and that without this new birth, it is impossible to have access to the kingdom of heaven. This suggests that a simple rearrangement of the old man is insufficient, because he would remain within his same limits. This change in question here is a major reversal which destroys the old and illusory beliefs of the untransformed individual. A person who transforms himself in this way becomes an impregnable fortress.