© 2024 Jean Lapierre
© 2024 Urantia Association of Quebec
Jean Lapierre
Hello everyone,
The following excerpt is from Paper 19 given by a Divine Counselor, a Co-ordinate Being of Trinity Origin who represents, in fact is, the counsel of perfection. His combined conclusions are not only complete, but they have attained to consummation. When his unified counsel has been admitted, judged, confirmed, and promulgated by a Universal Censor, it is most likely to approach the threshold of universal totality. These verdicts approximate as nearly as possible the absolute attitude of Deity within the temporal and spatial limits of the situation involved and the problem concerned (Source 19:3.6):
In this connection, however, it may be noted that Teacher Sons are the supreme co-ordinating personalities of Trinity origin. In such a far-flung universe of universes there is always great danger of succumbing to the error of the circumscribed viewpoint, to the evil inherent in a segmentalized conception of reality and divinity.
For example: The human mind would ordinarily crave to approach the cosmic philosophy portrayed in these revelations by proceeding from the simple and the finite to the complex and the infinite, from human origins to divine destinies. But that path does not lead to spiritual wisdom. Such a procedure is the easiest path to a certain form of genetic knowledge, but at best it can only reveal man’s origin; it reveals little or nothing about his divine destiny.
Even in the study of man’s biologic evolution on Urantia, there are grave objections to the exclusive historic approach to his present-day status and his current problems. The true perspective of any reality problem—human or divine, terrestrial or cosmic—can be had only by the full and unprejudiced study and correlation of three phases of universe reality: origin, history, and destiny. The proper understanding of these three experiential realities affords the basis for a wise estimate of the current status.
When the human mind undertakes to follow the philosophic technique of starting from the lower to approach the higher, whether in biology or theology, it is always in danger of committing four errors of reasoning:
- It may utterly fail to perceive the final and completed evolutionary goal of either personal attainment or cosmic destiny.
- It may commit the supreme philosophical blunder by oversimplifying cosmic evolutionary (experiential) reality, thus leading to the distortion of facts, to the perversion of truth, and to the misconception of destinies.
- The study of causation is the perusal of history. But the knowledge of how a being becomes does not necessarily provide an intelligent understanding of the present status and true character of such a being.
- History alone fails adequately to reveal future development—destiny. Finite origins are helpful, but only divine causes reveal final effects. Eternal ends are not shown in time beginnings. The present can be truly interpreted only in the light of the correlated past and future.
Therefore, because of these and for still other reasons, do we employ the technique of approaching man and his planetary problems by embarkation on the time-space journey from the infinite, eternal, and divine Paradise Source and Center of all personality reality and all cosmic existence. (UB 19:1.4-12)
This advice given by this Divine Counselor therefore applies to the study of the Urantia Book but, perhaps there is a certain tolerance for the fourth part: the life and teachings of Jesus. Let me explain: originally, these revelations were not to include the fourth part which, under the instigation of the Midwayers, was accepted and added to the revelation. However, this fourth part concerns the fourth epochal revelation which was given to us 2000 years ago. This is the reason why I believe that there is perhaps a tolerance in knowing that a reader could, in my opinion, begin his study with this fourth part although it includes important expansions of the fourth revelation which could have been given to each of us in time and place by the Spirit of Truth.
Here is now a text on the fifth epochal revelation and how it is unusual and special: We are evolutionary beings inhabiting a planet that has suffered many misfortunes, not benefiting like so-called normal planets, from two great centers of culture showing us the way for ages. In accordance with the plan of the Universal Father, we periodically receive epochal revelations and the last one, the 5th, was The Urantia Book. This revelation is what we need, taking into account our very particular situation and particularly our poverty on the spiritual level which needs to be enhanced.
If we take a brief look at the world of houses, we are informed of the following:
Conclusion: The ascension plan, including in particular the very first steps following our physical death, is well done and progressive. We note that despite the current situation of our forties, we are not deprived: we have benefited on our planet from the incarnation of the Son Michael (4th revelation) and from the Urantia Book (5th revelation clarifying the true teachings of Jesus and also helping us to acquire a cosmic consciousness and an enhancement of our spiritual perception equivalent to that of the level of the 5th world of mansions). And finally, this 5th revelation also revealed to us what had never been done before: the Supreme Being and our endless link with Him towards eternity (God the Universal Father and God the Supreme who is perfecting himself, are our parents: one is existential and the other is experiential).
Also, a very important point to remember is this:
The psychic circles are not exclusively intellectual, neither are they wholly morontial; they have to do with personality status, mind attainment, soul growth, and Adjuster attunement. The successful traversal of these levels demands the harmonious functioning of the entire personality, not merely of some one phase thereof. The growth of the parts does not equal the true maturation of the whole; the parts really grow in proportion to the expansion of the entire self—the whole self—material, intellectual, and spiritual. (UB 110:6.3)
It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first. (UB 110:6.4)
We have seen above that the 4th world of mansions corresponds to the later culture of a world having received a Son Instructor of truth and that the 5th to that of the primitive period of light and life. What an opportunity we have with the teachings of the Urantia Book! As the teachings of the UB correspond in good part to the teachings of the worlds of houses 4 and 5, we understand better why it is said that this revelation was given to us for the next millennium.
Here is another press release that some of you have already received a copy of:
“3. When you have succeeded in terminating the Urantia secession, as you undoubtedly will, I counsel you to accept from Gabriel the conference of the title of ‘Planetary Prince of Urantia’ as the eternal recognition by your universe of your final bestowal experience; and that you further do any and all things, consistent with the purport of your bestowal, to atone for the sorrow and confusion brought upon Urantia by the Caligastia betrayal and the subsequent Adamic default.” (Emmanuel recommends to Michael to take measures to compensate for what happened on Urantia. I believe that these compensations were the teachings of The Urantia Book.) (UB 120:2.3)
In further answer to Peter’s question, Jesus said: “Why do you still look for the Son of Man to sit upon the throne of David and expect that the material dreams of the Jews will be fulfilled? Have I not told you all these years that my kingdom is not of this world? The things which you now look down upon are coming to an end, but this will be a new beginning out of which the gospel of the kingdom will go to all the world and this salvation will spread to all peoples. And when the kingdom shall have come to its full fruition, be assured that the Father in heaven will not fail to visit you with an enlarged revelation of truth and an enhanced demonstration of righteousness, even as he has already bestowed upon this world him who became the prince of darkness, and then Adam, who was followed by Melchizedek, and in these days, the Son of Man. And so will my Father continue to manifest his mercy and show forth his love, even to this dark and evil world. So also will I, after my Father has invested me with all power and authority, continue to follow your fortunes and to guide in the affairs of the kingdom by the presence of my spirit, who shall shortly be poured out upon all flesh. Even though I shall thus be present with you in spirit, I also promise that I will sometime return to this world, where I have lived this life in the flesh and achieved the experience of simultaneously revealing God to man and leading man to God. Very soon must I leave you and take up the work the Father has intrusted to my hands, but be of good courage, for I will sometime return. In the meantime, my Spirit of the Truth of a universe shall comfort and guide you. (UB 176:2.3)
In this extract I see several important points:
Finally, to conclude, I highlight the following points: