© 2019 Joshua J. Wilson
© 2019 The Urantia Book Fellowship
Working on Earth since 200,000 BC as One of twelve Planetary Peceivers, Sage of Salem (1980-1886 BC), Collaborator with Prophets and Seers (a. 1866 BC-30AD), Resident Governor General (c. 950-1050 AD), Vicegerent Planetary Prince (current)
Historical overlay of significant world events
As Sage of Salem, Machiventa Melchizedek wore the trinity emblem
There are five ministry time periods to consider regarding Machiventa’s personal ministries on Earth:
a. Member of the twelve Planetary Receivers installed on Urantia shortly after the Caligastia secession, about two hundred thousand years ago. These emergency sons ably guided upset world affairs in the long, slow, cultural and ethical development that followed. They assisted Van and Amadon during the preparation of the Garden of Eden, and were on duty as caretakers and receivers as the offspring of Adam and Eve dispersed in their world migrations.
b. Sage of Salem, incarnated as an adult male person of the realm, 1980 BC to 1886 BC, a period of 94 years in length. Minister to Abraham. Melchizedek trained missionaries in ancient Salem (later called Jerusalem) who penetrated the cultures of all the surrounding tribes, and made their teachings known especially in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Asia Minor. Later missionaries of the Melchizedek gospel of belief and faith in God traveled to Lake Van and preached to the descendants of Adam and Eve’s son Adamson, and teachers were dispatched to all of Europe, even the British Isles, and as far as Iceland, China, and the Japanese islands.
Unfortunately their message did not remain wholly permanent amid all the superstitions of these early societies, but most important, this one-God message was held onto in Palestine and therefore paved the way for the later preaching of John the Baptist and the appearance of Jesus, the teacher of NazarethSon of God and Son of Man.
c. Next, Machiventa collaborated with many prophets and seers on Earth, invisibly present from about 1866 BC to 30 AD, approximately 1,900 years in duration, until the times of the arrival and ministry of Christ on Earth.
This same Melchizedek continued to collaborate throughout the nineteen succeeding centuries with the many prophets and seers, thus endeavoring to keep alive the truths of Salem until the fullness of the time for Michael’s appearance on earth. UB 93:10.4
During this striking period of Earth history, many notable prophets and seers came onto the scene. I conjecture it was likely that Melchizedek collaborated, unseen, with many of them and fostered their efforts, especially as they pertained to the God concept. Highly significant persons and events include:
Isaac, Jacob, Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), Moses, the Anasazi, David, Solomon, Homer, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Draco of Athens, Aesop, Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), Confucius, Socrates, Ezra, the Twelve Tables written by Romans (the foundation of modern law), founding of Roman Republic, democracy established in Athens, Nehemiah, Democritus, Hippocrates, Plato, Aristotle, Theophrastus, Andronicus (the first Roman poet), and Virgil.
d. Resident Governor General of Urantia, invisibly present on Earth from about 950 AD to 1050 AD, a term of one hundred years.
Here we further explore this fourth period (d), the one-hundred-year term of Machiventa on Earth as its Governor General, performed as a visiting member from among the twenty-four counselors on Jerusem. Here is a list of some of the pivotal events that occurred during his term:
The bases for estimating the Melchizedek Governor General timeline, a one- hundredyear period, are derived from the following:
The first three parts of the Urantia papers were completed in 1935 AD. For the term “less than a thousand years ago” I estimate 985 years, which takes us back to the year 950 AD. To that I add one hundred years for the length of Melchizedek’s term as Governor General of Urantia, which takes us to 1050 AD.
“Less than a thousand years ago this same Machiventa Melchizedek, the onetime sage of Salem, was invisibly present on Urantia for a period of one hundred years, acting as resident governor general of the planet; and if the present system of directing planetary affairs should continue, he will be due to return in the same capacity in a little over one thousand years.” UB 93:10.10
Beginning of term as Resident Governor General
1935 AD minus 985 years (estimate) = c. 950 AD
End of term
950 AD (est.) + 100 years = c. 1050 AD
So, it is estimated that between 950 and 1050 AD, Machiventa would have been invisibly present as Resident Governor General on Urantia.
In the absence of a regular resident planetary prince, which condition has been our case for a long time, the governance of our world is instead conducted by a triumvirate composed of:
—all literally present, living and working together on our world. This system of oversight was set up by Christ Michael shortly after his departure, at which time the seats of the twenty-four counselors (Jerusem corps of Urantia directors) were established. Most of these so serving were once-human persons who made a great contribution to the religious life of their race. Machiventa was not strictly a human, though he appeared as one, something Melchizedeks are able to do.
The Governor General is in charge of most of the celestial personalities on the planet, and the midwayers view him as their planetary father. The Governor hands down scores of decisions daily. His chief means of governance is through the seraphic corps. A Governor General does not make things happen, but in many ways he or she fosters progress, including working with human personalities. It is noteworthy that Machiventa has quite a history of working with saints and sages: ninety-four years as a human when he was priest to Abraham, and nineteen hundred years subsequent to that mission, during which he collaborated with spiritually potent individuals. In both visible and invisible form, he thus gained various and broad experience. He worked with saints and sages who were fostering the one-God concepts that he and his missionaries had previously preached worldwide during his incarnation in the flesh.
The study of history in academia has much to do with important battles, kings, kingdoms and empires, wars and their social repercussions. But this study has rather to do with examining spiritual and cultural milestones achieved in the years cited. I think if we religionists and philosophers realized how pivotally important religious movements have been in the making of our history, we would forsake all and do everything we could in our own lifetimes to get the gospel out.
The events that occurred during Machiventa’s hundred-year tenure as Governor are stunning. We are the beneficiaries today of improvements made and set in motion during the period after Christ and during the Middle Ages. A good part of Europe was converted to Christianity, and that faith was redirected onto a multipolar course. The seeds of the turnover of ecclesiastical totalitarianism were sprouted. North America was discovered by Europeans. Music, medicine, and the arts were improved significantly. As noted above, during the Song Dynasty of China, religion was unified and strengthened under a syncretism movement that joined neo-Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. In $1021 AD, it is recorded that there were 397,615 Buddhist monks and 61,240 nuns actively working and living in monasteries in China.
e. Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia, current era
This Melchizedek has latterly been proclaimed vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia with headquarters on Jerusem and authority to act in behalf of Michael, who is actually the Planetary Prince of the world whereon he experienced his terminal bestowal in human form. UB 45:4.16
Prayer specifically has to do with petitions to the Eternal Son. The Son’s sons, such as Christ Michael, also receive requests. Machiventa, a universe son, is the joint offspring of Christ Michael, the Universe Mother, and the Father Melchizedek. Machiventa was appointed the vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia by Michael. Why should we not also make known to Machiventa our thoughts and our willingness to partner with him and the current members of our planetary government? I have done so myself.
Christ himself brought me into the kingdom, and those who know my history are aware that it was Melchizedek who brought me to a fuller understanding of my work and led me to The Urantia Book.
We should remember that when Michael was on Earth as Jesus, he was indwelt by the same Adjuster that previously had indwelt Melchizedek during his earthly life. Thus, Jesus’s experiential knowledge of living and working with the men and women of Earth was informed during his life by Machiventa’s experiences, which we now see were extensive. These are the facts, but behind them is the fascinating relationship between Michael and Machiventa. The connection between our Creator Son and Machiventa Melchizedek is one of a kind in our local universe. Probably in none of Michael’s previous bestowals did he have a Thought Adjuster.
We can only imagine the close camaraderie Michael and Machiventa have enjoyed, even to this day. And though we may not be aware of this other than intellectually, we are privileged that this marvelous Adjuster, who became personalized at the time of Jesus’s baptism, has charge of all Adjusters in our local universe. The Indwelling Spirit for both of those extraordinary incarnations surely has helped our entire universe move toward Light and Life in ways that we cannot conceive.
And so it seems that Michael’s selection of the highly experienced and versatile emergency son, Machiventa Melchizedek, to be our current vicegerent planetary prince was the perfect choice. His headquarters is now on Jerusem.
Some believe that Machiventa will not come to take personal direction of Urantian affairs until the end of the current dispensation. Others hold that the vicegerent Prince may not come, as such, until Michael sometime returns to Urantia as he promised when still in the flesh. Still others, including this narrator, look for Melchizedek’s appearance any day or hour. UB 114:1.4
This is the story of Machiventa Melchizedek, one of the most unique of all characters ever to become connected with the history of Urantia and a personality who may be destined to play an important role in the future experience of your irregular and unusual world. UB 93:10.11
Let us put our hand to the plow of world progress and move forward with dedication, faith, intelligence, and confidence.
Joshua J. Wilson is a musician, pastoral counselor, and essayist who writes on historical and scientific subjects harmonizing science, philosophy, and spirituality.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Decision Information Systems, specializing in Human Behavior in Organizations, and certificates in Not-forProfit Management and Active Parenting Instruction.