© 2001 Ken Glasziou
© 2001 The Brotherhood of Man Library
Our previous discussion has presented lines of reasoning that may shed light upon the many occurrences of errors in the Urantia Papers. That these errors do constitute a mystery derives from the observation by so many that the authors of these Papers had an excellent, highly specialized knowledge in multiple areas of science, as well as in religion, the Bible, theology and philosophy.
Because of this, it is incomprehensible that such authors would undertake the enormous labor of writing a 2000-page book and knowingly include a multitude of potential sources of error—then present it as an epochal revelation in the full knowledge that only a minor error or two could discredit the whole of their work.
No suggestion has ever come forward linking the name of any academic with authorship of these Papers. Statistical analysis using the well-accredited method of Mosteller and Wallace demonstrated multiple authorship for these Papers and also excluded the possibility of Dr Sadler himself as being a major contributor.
The best known ‘errors’ in the Papers are the distance to the Andromeda galaxy, the “instantaneous disruption” of elements higher than the one-hundredth, the planet Mercury always turning the same face to the sun, and the human chromosome number. Regardless of how individuals may view them, the fact remains that, taken at face value, they will always present to new, science-oriented readers as wrong. Among such, the more knowledgeable may recognize these and other errors as views commonly held in the mid-1930’s, since found to be incorrect.
There is a general agreement that the probable direct source of these Papers was a single patient of Drs. William and Lena Sadler who apparently spoke and wrote while asleep but had no consciousness of doing so once he awakened.[1] The fact remains today that there is no realistic competing suggestion.
Allegedly, the sources for this material originated elsewhere than from this planet. The content of the communications was sufficiently fascinating to arouse the interest of the recipients—but it also aroused their natural desire to test and expose the credentials of the alleged sources. Thus, when an invitation was given to submit questions that should be of “supreme value to the human race,” the opportunity was seized to ask questions “that no human being could answer.”[2]
Unknown to the questioners, their stated intention of asking questions no human could answer was in conflict with a “universe rule for revelation that proscribes the provision of unearned knowledge.” (UB 101:4.1)
As stated previously, posing such questions for the proposed purpose placed the source authors in a quandary. They were being tested. Allowing the veracity of their claims as being of celestial origin, to tender an excuse on why they could not answer would almost certainly engender the conclusion that their claims were false—and this would nullify their previous fifteen to twenty years of preparatory work. But if they complied they would be forced to break what, for them, was an unbreakable universe rule.
It appears that their compromise was, for the most part, to supply plausible responses that would be outdated at some future time. Alternatively, they sometimes supplied prophetic information as covered by the terms of two codicils in Paper 101 permitting them to provide key or lost information when considered necessary. In various other Papers they informed receptive readers of their policies.
Besides the universe rule against providing unearned knowledge, there was a second possible reason why these celestial authors could not comply with requests for information that “no human being could possible answer.” To do so would almost certainly lead to their responses ultimately being credited as divinely authoritative, hence infallible. Throughout these Papers we find it declared that our God-given free will is sacrosanct. Having certain knowledge of a divine being and of what that being might absolutely require from us cancels the grant of unconditional free will. Uncertainty is an essential requirement for this grant of free will to be truly free.
There is yet another possible explanation for the error content of these Papers, one that some believe is the most likely reason for its existence. It relates to Part 4, the Life of Jesus of Nazareth, being the real revelation. This implies that the other three parts of The Urantia Book were derived from material accumulated during the establishment and training of an organization that was nurtured so as to ensure publication and distribution of the real revelation.
Since none of us has ever been a celestial being (that we know of) charged with the responsibility of delivering an updated repeat of the revelation by Jesus of Nazareth about the true nature of God, we are quite ignorant of the factors involved and the degree of difficulty attaching to various phases of the task.
The task appears to have had the following components. Find a way to get the revelation into an earth language, find and train people who will accept it, then foster a larger group who will eventually form an organization to print, publish, and distribute the revelation and publicize its existence.
The first component required a choice of country and language. Considering the chaotic situation after world war one and the depression era that followed, it is not surprising that the United States was the country of choice. Hence English had to be the language of choice.
The Jews and Arabs should sit down and settle their differences like good Christians.
Warren Austin (diplomat)
Men will wrangle for religion; write for it; fight for it; anything but — live for it.
Charles C. Colton; clergyman
We know nothing of how the recipient, the one generally called the sleeping subject, was chosen nor what his qualities would need to have been other than not being excessively perturbed by the events to follow.
A group then had to be found to receive the revelation and transcribe it into suitable form for copying. These two units had to be brought together in a way that would ensure amicable cooperation. Amazingly, Dr William S. Sadler was chosen to lead this phase. Subsequent history demonstrates the remarkable abilities of those who made these choices.
The first contact with the Sadlers may have been as early as 1906.[1:1] In 1909 William S. Sadler was still a staunch associate and disciple of Seventh Day Adventist guru, Ellen G. White. He was a conservative evangelical Christian, a believer in the infallibility of the Bible, and in the imminent return of Christ. In that year he published a book entitled Soul Winning Texts [2:1] consisting of selected quotations from both the Old and New Testaments that were designed to help the sinner to, “see the light.” Examination of that book reveals Sadler as the most unlikely looking candidate that could be imagined for the role of playing midwife to a new revelation—and definitely not one with any potential to play herald to the rebirth of the original spiritual religion of Jesus of Nazareth.
The people around Sadler who became close associates in this affair were of the same ilk. His wife, Lena, also was a Seventh Day Adventist. The two attended medical school together, first at Stanford and then at SDA Medical Mission School, Illinois. Both graduated with MD certification from the State of Illinois. Later, Sadler changed his interests from surgery to psychiatry, going to Europe to study for a year in Vienna with Freud. On return to the USA, the Sadlers established a practice in Chicago.
Possibly in 1908, the Sadlers were temporarily housed in a furnished apartment while waiting for their new residence to be prepared. Late one summer evening, a lady tenant knocked on their door and asked would they go downstairs with her because her sleeping husband was acting strangely but she could not awaken him.1 This was the first contact of the Sadlers with the “sleeping subject” subject who then remained their patient at least until 1935.
Rightly he was called the “sleeping subject” for though everything about him appeared normal, they were quite unable to awaken him. He did so, of his own accord, several hours later and quite unaware of anything being amiss. This strange behavior repeated itself several times then, on one such an occasion when he was observed to moisten his lips, Dr. Lena Sadler asked how he felt and a voice, not his own that his wife could recognize, answered it was a student from another planet on an observation visit. Sadler himself assumed this was some kind of automatic speaking produced from the subconscious of the patient.
The accounts of this and the long period ensuing until formation of the group called the Forum in 1925 are scanty and confusing. However it appears that despite the many intelligent and informative exchanges with all manner of “visitors” that occurred over these years, Sadler clung rigidly to his belief that he was observing a natural phenomenon originating completely from within the mind of his patient—though he does admit that their religious views were changed unconsciously but remarkably by these night time vigils over this long period.
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
Albert Einstein
The catalyst for the formation of the Forum appears to have been a test devised by Sadler who memorized fifty two questions (Sadler had one of those remarkable ‘photographic’ memories) that he intended to use to challenge the “voice” to read his mind. He was forestalled in doing this when the “voice” stated it was authorized to answer forty six of them. The reality of this event had the support of his wife Lena who was there when it is said to have happened.1 Shortly after this, the incident mentioned in the previous article occurred—the one that gave rise to the determination of the Forum group to “ask questions that no human being could answer [2:2].”
If we make the assumption that all of this is truth rather than fiction, the “celestials” had now succeeded in creating a nucleus to build upon for the next stage. However they had a real problem on their hands. Their update of the orthodox authoritative Christian version of Jesus’ revelation, and its meaning, conflicted strongly with the spiritual view of the religion of Jesus that they wished to deliver.
Again granting their superhuman status, they would be likely to know that many attempts had been made in the theological institutions in the USA that trains the ministry to similarly modify Christian dogma. Over many years, such teaching had made little or no headway with Christian congregations. Even with those Christians who considered themselves liberal rather than fundamentalist, most still clung tenaciously to the authority of the Bible as if it were of divine origin. Few recruits to a new religion of the spirit would be likely to be found among practicing Christians.
Their solution to this problem included that for nigh on ten years, Jesus scarcely received a mention. This becomes obvious if we read Parts 1, 2, and 3. Over a ten year period they concentrated upon building a new and complex image of Deity that had at its center a Universal Father whose goodness, love, and mercy as our Father transcends his righteousness as our judge. This was a God whose spirit indwells each mortal being to establish a personal and individual relationship. It was also a God who loved all mankind unconditionally. The “celestials” taught these people a religion of the spirit, one in which no person could impose God’s authority upon another, and belief automatically called forth the yielding of the fruit of the spirit in the lives of the believers.
With some of the Forum members, the “celestials” succeeded. At least they succeeded enough to generate the dedication and enthusiasm that would see their task completed. Upon which they gave them the real revelation, Part 4, the Life of Jesus—and then departed. It could be that the oft-quoted words, “Now you are on your own” belong here rather than later. In this scenario, that incident occurred in 1935. All further contact with these superhuman beings then ceased and was never reestablished.
Continuing on with this scenario, the immediate result of the “you are on your own” decree was misunderstanding followed by confusion, uncertainty, and procrastination. What was either misunderstood or re-interpreted was that the “Life of Jesus” was the whole of the revelation. This was the only part they were required to print, publish, and distribute. But for ten years, this group of people had only possessed the content of Parts 1, 2, and 3. That was what they knew and cherished. It was what made them different from everybody else. It was what made them believe they were special, selected, chosen and unique. To now switch their loyalties and share their Jesus story with a billion Christians was not an attractive thought.
The pre-Forum group, the Sadlers and a few close associates that had become known as the “Contact Commission” were, in effect, an executive committee. If at first they had understood that the “Life of Jesus” was the real revelation, doubts soon entered their minds. They also realized they had no hope of maintaining the enthusiasm of the Forum group if they went ahead to publish Part 4 only.
Exactly when the decision was made to publish all of the Papers in single book form is unknown. Eventually Dr. Lena Sadler took control and commenced collecting the money needed for publication. As well, she arranged for the Papers to be organized into a form suitable for submission to a publisher to prepare a galley proof. But then, in 1939, she died. And the European war commenced.
The long illness and subsequent death of his wife from breast cancer took a very severe toll on Dr Sadler. However the Sadlers had an adopted daughter, Emma Christenson, and a son, Bill Sadler Jr., both now members of the Contact Commission. These two stepped into the breach and carried on with the arrangements set up by Dr. Lena.
“But doubt not that this same kingdom of heaven that the Master taught exists within the heart of the believer, will yet be proclaimed to the Christian Church, even as to all Other religions, races, and nations on earth—even to every individual.”
There are no whole truths; all truths are half truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that plays the devil.
Alfred North
By 1941, the first galley proof became available for checking. After checking and further proof reading the plates were cast, perhaps during 1942, but almost certainly by 1943. Pearl Harbor happened at the end of 1941.
At some time after 1935, and possibly after the death of Dr. Lena Sadler, a new supposed contact with “celestials” occurred. One (perhaps more than one) of the Contact Commission flirted with what most of us call “channeling.” Some channeling occurs by listening to “voices” in the head. Others sit in front of a typewriter or computer and type whatever comes into their heads. Whatever the mechanics, the fact is that from the time it commenced until long after the book was published, supposed “messages” from celestials were used by the Contact Commission to impose authority and maintain enthusiasm. However just why publication of the book was delayed for twenty years remains an unsolved mystery.
Finally, in 2001 CE and despite much legal litigation, Part 4, “The Life of Jesus,” has been published and is in circulation as a single complete work, all accomplished completely independently of the organization that was initially set up for that purpose.[3]
“All things work together for good in those who love the Lord.”
Besides Part 4, of particular interest and value to religionists and theologians are Papers 1-10 that refer to the nature of God and deity relationships including the Trinity, and Papers 100 to the end of Part 3 that expound upon religion in more general terms. Included are various “aspects” of the First Source and Center such as the transcendent Universal Father of infinity status and the Supreme Being, the God of Finite Reality. There is much in these Papers that would be of interest to process theologians and also to those who have an interest in the future of the Christian religion in the post-modern world.
The Urantia Papers present us with a much greater task than simply taking comfort from having them or being able to read them. In them we possess the most profound spiritual and religious truths ever to exist as a single unified collection on this planet—as well as being one that is unexcelled for its quality of writing and its consistency. Hence, all revelation therein is self-authenticating.
This is true, independently of who wrote them or how they were written, or what else accompanies them. But like all truth, revelatory or otherwise, the responsibility for decision making about what is true, and what our obligations might be, belongs solely to the individual.
The truths in these Papers demand much. Bearing the fruit of the spirit is their biggest ask. It is the big, big “why” for the Papers being here. And bearing that fruit is a must do.
“What a transcendent service if, through this revelation, the Son of Man should be recovered from the tomb of traditional theology and be presented as the living Jesus to the church that bears his name, and to all other religions.” How??
“Christianity has indeed done a great service for this world, but what is now most needed is Jesus. The world needs to see Jesus living again in the experience of spirit-born mortals who effectively reveal the Master to all men.” (UB 195:10.1)
We have the Papers—and the obligation.