© 2023 Urantia Association of Spain
I am Fernando Carazo, I live in Madrid. I have two professional profiles: initially as an operating systems analyst-programmer in technology companies and later I retrained, as I am also a clinical psychologist and opened my own practice. I am currently retired early and I dedicate myself to playing sports, studying Physics and The Urantia Book. I also take care of my mother who is very old and quite deteriorated. I am divorced and have two adult daughters who live and work abroad.
I came across The Urantia Book in 2000 but couldn’t get past the Prologue. I wasn’t used to continuing to read if I didn’t understand the text, so I was stuck for quite a while. Later, in 2007, I decided that I had to continue, even though I didn’t fully understand the concepts, and I finished reading it completely in 2009. Since then I have studied it in depth, on my own and as a member of study groups, especially in the Madrid group and the virtual ones.
I came across The Urantia Book thanks to reading The Lucifer Rebellion by J.J. Benítez. I have always been interested in reading books about mystery, philosophy, religion, science, etc. This book drove me crazy. I couldn’t conceive how a fantasy book could describe what it called “the fifth revelation” as something invented and I decided to look for the source. Searching on the Internet I found many references to the fact that, in reality, both The Lucifer Rebellion and the Trojan Horses saga were plagiarism of a book called The Urantia Book. That’s where it all began.
I don’t know exactly why I found it, the only thing I can think of is that I have always been a seeker of “The Truth.” I have always known that there is a single truth about reality and I have always been obsessed with finding it, or at least getting closer to it. I think I have succeeded.
My first impression was that this book contained “The Truth”, but that I was unable to fully reach it, since there were many concepts that I did not understand and I could not continue reading. But I knew, I was certain that the book was TRUTH, and in the end I found a way to overcome that difficulty.
From the beginning. Since I began reading in the Prologue about the original, absolute, eternal and infinite I AM and how, by his own will, he decided to be the original Father of all beings and things and experience his own creation. The reasons for the existence of reality that the book describes gave me the answer I needed, I found the true meaning of life.
The most significant change is that I have stopped looking at other confessions and philosophies, the only thing I have to do is delve deeper into reading and studying the book to understand creation and reality more thoroughly. On the other hand, since I have known the book I believe that I have grown in the values it proclaims: tolerance, acceptance, faith, love, forgiveness, mercy and serenity.
Yes, there was a big change. My beliefs were fundamentally Buddhist and I believed in reincarnation. That meant a great paradigm shift for me that upset all my ideas; it was very difficult for me to accept it. But now, knowing what the ascending race towards the Father in Paradise is, our eternal destiny in love, truth, beauty and goodness, I cannot help but be amazed at the magnitude of that change.
I also did not have a clear idea of the nature of God (although I believed in Him) and of His creation. This knowledge has given me an awareness and faith that allows me to relate to the world and people in a much more authentic way.
I had a hard time accepting Lucifer’s rebellion. I found it difficult to understand how such a lofty personality, the sovereign of an entire system, could rebel against the creation and plan of the Universal Father. And even more so, that he would say that God was a hypothetical being. He openly proclaimed his atheism. This fact impressed me and still impresses me.
Later, I understood that the only thing that is perfect in the universe exists in Paradise and in the central universe and that, from there on down, imperfection increases, and that precisely this type of thing is part of the experiential growth that all evolutionary beings and even the Supreme Being have to experience.
The first part of the book. Understanding the themes of the I AM, the Absolutes, the Paradise Trinity, reality and creation, the physical universes, spiritual, mental and physical energies, the infinity of descending orders of sons, the ultimate destiny of ascending sons.
Well, I consider it a very difficult task. I always wonder if what I am going to do corresponds to the Father’s will or not.
I believe that it is necessary to increase communion with our Thought Adjuster in order to have more certainty of the Father’s will. It is difficult to discern which voice is speaking in our mind. We have a modulated and dissociated reactive mind and each of those parts can send us different and even contradictory messages. It may really be an impulse from the Adjuster or simply an imperative from our “super-ego,” or even a desire from the “id.”
I always try to keep my conscience clear with my actions and I identify that with the will of the Father. On the other hand, I try to internalize that very important thing that the book says about “may my will be to do your will” and put it into practice when I have doubts and confusion about a difficult situation.
Well, honestly, I don’t know. I have had moments, some in meditation and others not, in which I have felt a very deep connection with the cosmos, in contact with sensations of grandeur, expansion, beauty, light-energy… in which it seemed that a higher reality was being transmitted to me. They were moments of great intensity, well-being and joy. Even so, I cannot assure you that I was in the presence of my Adjuster, another type of angelic entity or any other type of cosmic energy.
In any case, there are many everyday moments in which I have felt a kind of internal guidance that led my thoughts and behavior in a certain direction. I am not sure that this is the presence of my Adjuster either. What I am sure of is my great impulse to get closer to and find God and that, according to the book, is one of the functions of the Thought Adjuster. In this sense, I have clearly been influenced by my Adjuster, although I have not been aware of it.
Yes, I try every day. There are many of his teachings, but basically the most important thing for me is to do and wish for others what I want for myself. That means putting myself in other people’s shoes and not judging but trying to get into their skin and understand. That’s what I want for myself.
I don’t always manage to have enough love and compassion or consider people as my brothers. It’s a path I still have to take.
Well, I think there is something about it that makes it so that not everyone starts reading it. I think that many of the concepts that appear are not easy to understand; especially the Prologue, the initial part, is especially complicated. I was stuck on it for a long time. I suppose there will be people who don’t get it.
I don’t know if it’s something “mysterious”, if it’s the language or the complicated concepts, or if not everyone is ready for this knowledge. But I sincerely believe that the book is not for everyone.
Just say that for me the UB is EVERYTHING and it contains THE TRUTH that I have always sought.
Without the knowledge contained in this book, my life would have no meaning.
I still have a lot to assimilate, because it is impossible to internalize all this knowledge in its entirety. That is why I continue to delve deeper, on my own and in study groups. I believe that it is a job for this entire life and even more.
My “intellectual” faith in this knowledge is authentic, although I have to increase my “pragmatic” faith, since there are things that I find difficult to put into practice.