© 2021 Urantia Association of Spain
Jorge Nagore is 68 years old. He is married and has two children and three grandchildren. He is an active retiree after 35 years dedicated to journalism. He studied with the Jesuits and at the Opus Dei university. He has always lived in Pamplona, Spain, the city of the running of the bulls, and there he continues. After a “near-death experience” resulting from a traffic accident at the age of 17, a push arose in him towards the search for himself and the relationship with the higher existence.
In 1994 he was already enjoying the Caballo de Troya. I also read El testamento de san Juan de Benítez, but by chance I didn’t look at the back cover where there was a reference to The Urantia Book. In 2014, while cleaning the storage room, when I dusted it off, I turned said book over and there it appeared: “based on The Urantia Book.” The rest was simple: download the book, buy it, attend a meeting and get hooked on this community of readers to whom I owe so much.
I think I found it because it was surely waiting for me, possibly because I needed it. The question is: why in 2014 and not in 1994? I think that in those twenty years away I matured a little more in my search and evolution, at least enough to accept that gift with a little more capacity.
I think I felt like I had found a treasure, and a bit of a riot too. Almost nothing of what the book told I knew or had read before. I immediately had the perception that it was impossible for a human being to have written it. It helped me a lot to focus on part IV at the beginning, apart from jumping around throughout the book.
I think it was not something punctual, but gradual and global. It was more of an inner conviction that little by little forged a residue that no longer gave rise to doubt. I think it was not just something rational. Reading it I felt welcomed and perhaps also guided.
Here I must also say that it was not a flash in the style of Saint Paul. It was and still is a gradual process of assimilation and personal experience. Somehow it has meant the reaffirmation of all my previous journey, but now from a more transparent, real and safe prism. If I had to highlight something, it would be the relationship with the Father on a much more personal level, the total acceptance of filiation and the continued embrace with my Adjuster.
Yes. Before reading the book, I wasn’t very clear about what faith really was. It could be a blind belief, without really understanding its reason for being, even as a kind of necessary imposition. Now I understand it and live it as the backbone of our spirituality. A gift from our Father, a fruit of the Spirit, which must be watered day by day, sharing it with Him and enjoying it, because it is an essential vehicle to continue advancing along the path.
At the beginning, everything related to the improvement of the species, races, etc., shocked me a bit, surely due to our stereotypes or clichés, in my case quite influenced by the atrocities that occurred during World War II and throughout history in general.
It is true that, with the overall reading of the book, and in greater depth, I now look at this issue from a broader perspective, not staying so much in detail, but rather in a more cosmic perspective that seeks perfection from the goodness, beauty and truth.
Initially I was fascinated with the example of the life of Jesus, and I still am, but with subsequent readings, articles and courses, everything related to the donation of the Father impresses me more and more: The Trinity, the Supreme, the Absolute, the Adjusters… as I say, their own giving and closeness, seen through our sonship.
At first I began to visualize it as a gift, rather than an imposition or a lack of freedom. Through the example of the Master, I have come to understand that it is a personal relationship, a parent-child relationship, of full and absolute trust, because the will of a good Father always brings forward the best for a child, and in this sense I The concept of “making yourself like children” helped a lot, that image of the little boy who trusts his father completely and utterly, in his dad. Opening ourselves totally and sincerely to our Adjuster, allowing ourselves to be guided, I think it can help us to understand that will of the Father.
Although the theme is somewhat “glassy”, as the revelators warn us, I think so. And I refer not so much to the communication itself, but to the results. Since I became aware of its existence through The Urantia Book (before I only intuited the divine spark in us in a distant way), and surrendering totally to its guidance and advice, many things have begun to change. I try that my decisions are advised and shared, since, in reality, we are two with the objective of becoming one, and honestly, it has never failed me, as expected. I am quite clear that our success depends on both of us, and that we both have a commitment to the Supreme. I know that He encourages me every day to go down to the garden and water the fruits of the spirit, that He continually awakens me to stay awake… and more.
Without a doubt, and through The Urantia Book, they become clearer. The result? I think I now have a greater personal relationship with my Father, and all that that entails. Regarding others, I try to be first for others and last in line for myself. I also want and try to cultivate a more balanced and unified personality, following his life example, but this… how difficult it is on a day-to-day basis! It is one of the things that attracts me the most to Jesus, but you have to be very present at all times, train your mind, and I almost always fail, but hey… there we are.
The mystery is usually caused by the unknown, either because it has no explanation, or because it cannot be understood, and this at first sight can, in the case of The Urantia Book, produce a certain prevention in some readers who approach the book. But I don’t think that is the case, because The Urantia Book has an explanation and it can also end up being understood. What I think is that the book reaches each one in a unique, personal way and at a certain moment, possibly when that person has left behind their conditioning or stereotypes and, furthermore, firmly wishes to seek the truth and find the Father.
I would like to highlight that for me The Urantia Book is like a magical book that has changed my life, but curiously, the same thing has happened to all the readers I have met in these years. I would encourage anyone who is hesitant to make a little outspoken effort and read it.
And above all, I would like to record my deepest gratitude to the developers and to the entire community of The Urantia Book, because it is the best gift I have been able to receive. THANK YOU.