© 2023 Urantia Association of Spain
Mariano Pérez lives in Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid). He has worked as a training instructor for 39 years in a railway company. He is married and has three daughters.
I came to The Urantia Book by reading The Testament of Saint John, by J.J. Benítez, in which he thanked the Urantia Foundation.
I had the intuition that it was truly important, I was convinced that I had found valuable information that would change the way I see the world.
In the first documents, which speak of God the Father.
I think there are two fundamental things that have changed in my life after reading and trying to integrate the teachings of The Urantia Book. One is the perception of the world, or rather of life. For example, knowing what there is after leaving this world. The upward career that we have is in itself a motivation to live. The other is the commitment to seek to do the divine will, to improve in perfection, to work on personal religion. This is undoubtedly the most difficult, but it is a firm commitment.
I already had faith, but it has clarified many things that I did not understand. It has clearly strengthened my faith even more.
I am struck by the savage reaction that the inhabitants of the Garden of Eden had when they attacked the neighboring Noddite population and left no one alive, immediately after Eve was missing. It is not about accepting concepts or anything like that, since they are facts, but it is striking how violence was so present in those who were supposed to be the most advanced human beings.
Without a doubt the life of Jesus of Nazareth, who is an example to follow. Also the complexity of Creation, its administration and its grandeur. There is no time to get bored.
I believe that only with wisdom and spiritual discernment can we discover what the true will of the Father is. The intuition felt through the “call” of the Thought Adjuster, passing through the filter of that wise discernment, should lead us to make decisions in accordance with the will of the Father.
Not consciously. If I said otherwise I would be presumptuous and deceiving myself.
Isn’t that the same as doing the Father’s will? That’s what we’re doing. Many times we do things convinced that it’s the same thing that our Sovereign and Master would do, the results are another thing; but I believe that the intention is what’s important.
It’s not the book: it’s the people, the moment they find themselves in, their needs. When it comes to the spiritual path, each of us has a tailor-made suit that is what we are looking for. Ours is the teachings of the fifth revelation, its proposal for a personal religion. Others look in evolutionary, dogmatic religions, because that is what they need. Others don’t even look, they are lost in the fog of materialism and self-gratification.
Many things could be said, but I want to focus on the Urantia movement itself. I think they make some mistakes that occur in other religious and other types of institutions and that have to do with the overprotection of the institution, of making the movement a banner, of feeling different from the rest of the people, of doing things thinking of conventional ideals instead of seeking spiritual unity, starting with ourselves, with the different organizations that exist around Urantia. We must leave past mistakes behind and be an example of brotherly functioning. It saddens me sometimes to see certain actions.